Saturday, June 25, 2022

 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good in order to bring it about as it is this day to save many people alive. Genesis 50:20



Just the other day I saw someone’s post whose heart was “tore to pieces” because the love of her life had left her. Just two days prior she had posted how much she loved this man and their life together was perfect. Unfortunately, her hopes and dreams with this fella vanished as he walked out the door.


No doubt, people will disappoint and fail you. It happens often. Today’s passage comes from the story of Joseph, whose brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery. Joseph went for years, treated as a slave, falsely accused and thrown into a prison for a crime he never committed. Yet in the end, he came out victorious as he became a ruler of the land, only second to King Pharoah. God had plans to prosper Joseph, but he had to go through a period of difficulty and trust God in the process.


Maybe you have been the victim of unjust accusation or maybe you’ve been left in shambles, trying to put together the pieces of your heart. Just know that God has already seen and planned for your crises and He will carry you through this difficulty and bring you on the other side with blessings and great rewards for your faithfulness to Him. God bless!  

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