Wednesday, June 8, 2022

 yet for love’s sake I rather appeal to you-being such as one as Paul, the aged and now a prisoner of Jesus Christ, I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten while in chains. Philemon verses 9-10


The book of Philemon is only 2 pages in the bible, only 1 chapter with 25 verses. It accounts for Paul (who was in prison for preaching the gospel), who met Onesimus, a run-away slave, who met Paul, received the message of Jesus Christ and became a fellow believer. While in prison, Onesimus provided fellowship with Paul and encouraged him. As much as Paul wanted Onesimus to stick around, he knew the right thing to do was encourage him to return to his master. Paul wrote Philemon, the slave’s master, and encouraged him to receive back Onesimus and show grace and mercy to him, who experienced a change in his life for the good.


What good came from Onesimus leaving his duty as a slave? He crossed paths with Paul, who influenced him to change his life and become a dedicated Christian. His heart was transformed during his time of disobedience. A good thing happened in a bad situation. As Onesimus cautiously walked back to his slave master, he carried the letter Paul had written on his account, asking Philemon to show grace and mercy. Hopefully Philemon did the right thing by receiving him back with grace and saw a new man, loyal to the faith.


If you’ve experienced the blessings of being a parent, I’m sure you have had times when your child rebelled, maybe even ran away. The fear and anger they experienced in the process of rebellion provides an opportunity for you to exhibit the grace and mercy shown you by Jesus Christ. Don’t get me wrong, punishment should be the consequence of wrong doing, but how you administer those tools of discipline can be the very thing that helps transform that child’s heart into one of trust in you, as their caregiver.


Two wrongs don’t make anything right. So turn the wrong into an act of grace, mercy and love and leave the rest in God’s hands as He works in your situation. This goes for other adults too. Whoever has wronged you, is a way to return back a reflection of Jesus Christ character. God bless!  

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