Friday, June 3, 2022

 Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16


I recently read that a local school was going to make their students wear uniforms this next school year. I’m sure that won’t go over well with some people, but at least everyone will be dressed the same and look respectful. I myself wear a uniform for my work and to me, they stand out amongst others. They tell the story of who I work for and the purpose of my employment.


As a Christian, you should wear Jesus Christ every day in your actions and words. The daily interactions you have with others should leave no doubt that you are a child of God.  Unfortunately, many Christians go through life without any indication they are a believer in Jesus and go so far as to model the behavior of those outside the faith, just simply to “fit in”.


And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. 1 John 2:17


The truth is, the worldly ways will one day pass away, you as well. But the one thing that will never end is your faith in Jesus Christ. Why not invest your focus, your desires and your love in Him. Those worldly pleasures might seem enticing, but truth is they will leave you wanting more to the point that your total focus will be turned in the opposite direction of Jesus, leaving you vulnerable to satan’s lies and deceit.  


Reality check! Does your life reflect the character of your Savior? You have an eternal light inside of you that will never go out, why not open your life to the will of God and let that light change the lives of those around you. God bless!


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