Wednesday, June 15, 2022

 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Mattew 24:43


Have you ever had something happen in your life that you wish you were better prepared? Maybe it’s an unexpected audit of your work, a pop quiz at school….there are many things that happen in life that can catch you off guard and after it happens, it’s too late to deal with it.


There is one thing certain in life, Jesus Christ will return for His people. Those who’ve chosen to accept Jesus Christ and follow Him will be gathered up and taken from this foreign land, we call earth. Those left behind will encounter great tribulation like nothing ever experienced before. It will be a horrible time to be on planet earth. And if you seriously consider the present time, it’s not hard to figure out we are close to that moment than ever before.


Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. Matthew 24:44


Straight from the words of Jesus Christ Himself. Be ready! No one knows the time of His return, but it’s certain that His appearance will surprise many. Will you be ready?


God has a plan for your life called “His will”. His plan for your life fits perfectly with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to reach a lost and dying world of people searching for hope, and assurance of a bright future. The only hope in this unstable world is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Nothing is uncertain when you walk in His perfect will for your life.


If you’ve pushed off the desire to follow Him, maybe today is the right time to change your attitude and accept His offer of salvation, forgiveness of sins and enter into an eternal relationship with Him. Today is the day of salvation, don’t let another moment pass you by, time is running out. God bless!


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