Wednesday, June 29, 2022

 Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance. Matthew 3:8


When I was a teenager growing up on the farm, I would often help other farmers remove the weeds and volunteer corn that grew in soybean fields. Left to grow, those weeds would consume the soil’s nutrients and provide less for the intended crop. Once the weeds and volunteer corn were removed, there was a beautiful looking field and improved yield of soybeans.


As a child of God, you should always be weeding out the sinfulness from your life. Plucking out the sin should provide a better yield of God’s blessings. God doesn’t approve of sin, nor will he occupy parts of your life blanketed in sinful behavior. He simply cannot be in its presence due to His holiness.


If you want God’s blessings in all areas of your life, you must ask for God’s forgiveness and seek His help when changing your behavior to a more reverent and God honoring one. God will bless you for your desire to grow the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).


What sinful patterns of behavior seem to grow uncontrolled in your life? Ask God to help you weed those out and never go back to the old way of living. God has the right tools to produce a bountiful harvest of blessings and spiritual fruit in your life. Let Him have His way in your life today! God bless!


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