Monday, June 27, 2022

 But Jesus answered him, saying “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” Luke 4:4


Following the baptism of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit led him into the wilderness for 40 days, and He ate nothing. After the 40 days, satan tempted Him by challenging Him to turn a stone into bread. Jesus passed this test, as noted in today’s scripture above. 40 days without food is a miracle in itself. I’m starving after a few hours of not eating. But Jesus resisted the temptation to fulfill his desire for a momentary pleasure.


As humans, we have desires, some are good and some are not good for us. That is why you should always seek after God’s wisdom before pursuing anything of your liking, whether that is a relationship, significant purchase, decision about a new job or relocating to another area. The warning in your desires is satan’s temptations. He attacks at your weakest moment. When the hunger for that desire is at its peak, that is when he encourages you to pursue.


If the desire is outside God’s will, it will usually be followed by regret, chaos in life and shame. Who wants to carry those burdens around?? Seek after Godly wisdom first before pursing your passions and desires. God wants to give you His best, but He knows the capacity of your blessings, so don’t exceed what’s outside His plan for your life! God bless!

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