Thursday, June 9, 2022

 The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31


Yesterday we celebrated my mother in law’s birthday at the nursing home. She turns 91 this weekend. As we all sat there and visited, I listened to her brief words. Some of the things she said had little nuggets of wisdom, while others were just words to fill the void of quietness.


So often we discount the words of the elderly. We think we’ve lived enough life to have experience, yet the wise people of this age never stop learning. The benefit of hearing out what the gray-haired have to say is free wisdom from those who’ve gone before us and lived through those mistakes, those challenging situations and worked through some of life’s crises. If only we’ll heed their words and advice, we might just save ourselves a lot of trouble and headaches down the road. I easily recall one piece of advice given to me years ago and I ignored it. I’m still paying for that decision not to heed their advice.


Who in your life has gray hair? Listen to what they have to say! They might not make sense at times, they might have offended you in the past, but they have lived life for a long time and they’ve survived. As you add years to your life, you too can share your life’s experiences with the younger crowd and hopefully benefit them. Listen to the elderly, your next decision in life might benefit from their wisdom! God bless!


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