Tuesday, June 14, 2022

 Let us hold fast the confessions of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23


Since the time of Jesus Christ until today, Christians face criticism, persecution and even death for their faith in Him. It was especially true for the Jewish community with those who accepted Jesus Christ into their life and followed His ways. The negative response from family members who turned against them was great and many had to cut ties with close relatives, just to maintain their faith.


Today’s scripture is relevant for today’s Christian. Society has moved further away from God’s standards of living and is open to just about anything. In the face of criticism, YOU should continue to stand up for what you believe and feel confident in your faith. You most likely will offend others by your beliefs, but people need to know the truth, and you can help them by how you live your life, the things you say and share on social media.


The criticism, even persecution you might face for your faith is worth the blessings God will shower upon you for your unwavering commitment to Him. He is faithful and will help you when faced with opposition. Hold fast to your confessions of hope and the promise of His faithfulness to His children! God bless!


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