Monday, October 31, 2022

 And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to the saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” Matthew 14:26-26


Today’s passage comes from the story of the disciples who were crossing the sea and encountered a storm, rocking their boat, and at the same time Jesus came to them by walking on the water. From a distance, He appeared as a ghost. Can you imagine how fearful they felt between the boat rocking and the sight of a ghost?


The disciples were instructed by Jesus to cross the sea by boat (Matthew 14:22), He knew the storm they would encounter and knew how fearful they would be, yet He needed to show them that He is always with them, even in the storm.


Maybe you have encountered a storm: health crises, financial burden, family issues or conflict with your spouse. No matter what storm you face, Jesus is always there to help you (Psalm 139:7-12). He is never too far to hear your cries for help, and He always responds in the best possible way. Sometimes He takes you to the center of the storm before He intervenes because He needs to soften the hardness of your pride. When He shows up, is the point when you are ready to take your relationship with Him to the next level of sanctification. God bless!

Sunday, October 30, 2022

 Ecclesiastes 1:14

I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind.

Regrets, they are things that impact your life, and others, for a very long time. Most are the result of poor decisions in life or missed opportunities. I once had a cancer survivor tell me, "tomorrow is never promised". So true, and ever since then I've tried to make life more fulfilling. 

But, that doesn't repair the damage I've caused to people I truly love and cherish. One of those is my children. As I watch them grow and develop into adulthood, I recall times I missed spent with them. Yes, I was there, but my time could have been more involved in them and not hobbies and work that lost touch when they needed my deepest attention and focus. 

Lesson learned, too late in life. Don't make the same mistake. Evaluate your time and focus to make sure it's not wasted on things that don't have lasting memories. Time spent with your family has lasting value, don't short change yourself with God's greatest blessing. Amen. 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7


If you’ve ever been to a circus and watch the trapeze artist, you know they have a safety net below to catch them if they fall. That safety net gives them the confidence to perform without the fear of falling to their death.


For the child of God, living in this world while trying to sustain your faith can appear to be a daunting task given all the temptations, disappointments, and trails you encounter.  When the pressure is on, you might find yourself ready to throw in the towel. God never intended for His children to give up. Your faith in God is the safety net that He provides you in this world of trials and tribulations.


So often, and I speak from experience, its easy to get stressed out at the pressures you face on a daily basis. But at the end of the day and looking back, you can see the hand of God working on your behalf, providing you wisdom, encouragement and strength to sustain in the moment of truth. It’s those victorious moments that need to be burned into your mind as a reminder of God’s faithfulness.


You can live in this world and still maintain your Christian walk. Yea, the pressures of life will never end, but that doesn’t have to impact your witness and weaken your faith. You’ve got this friend! Commit your ways to the Lord every day and let His faithfulness sustain you when your show the world your God will never leave nor forsake you! God bless!

Friday, October 28, 2022

 Psalms 92:4 For You, O Lord, have made me glad by what You have done, I will sing for joy at the works of Your hands.

There are many things in life to appreciate, our financial stability, the home we live in and the people we call family, all of these are wonderful things. But, have you considered them blessings from God? God works in mysterious ways, and if you keep your eyes open to His workings, you will see that He is constantly working on your behalf. Even that set of green traffic lights that help get you safely through a busy street, He most likely orchestrated for you. 

Awareness of God's working hands will make you greatly appreciate His care for you. You will find yourself whispering "thank you God" throughout the day. Be grateful for the workings of God in your life. He loves to be acknowledged, and your relationship with Him will be more real than some of your closest friends. God bless. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

 And when He got into the boat, he who had been demon possessed begged Him that he might be with Him. However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord done for you and how He has had compassion on you. Mark 5:18-19


Today’s passage comes from the biblical story of a man who was demon possessed by Legion, who was many demons. This man was truly messed up by these demons, he stayed around tombs and cut himself…he was completely possessed and had no way of escaping his demons, that was until he met Jesus. Jesus healed him completely by casting out the demons into a herd of swine. The demon knew his game was up when the Son of Man was present. Satan and his demons must flee at the name of Jesus.


So just imagine if you had been demon possessed and Jesus healed you. You, like this man, would want to follow Jesus. Yet, as we see in the passage above, Jesus said no. He instructed this man to go home and tell his friends and family that Jesus rescued him for the constant torment he was under. Can you imagine the impact this man had on others when he shared the story of what happened? His story most certainly changed lives, but it wouldn’t have happened if he went on with Jesus.


Sometimes Jesus says “no” for a reason. Although His response might seem negative to your liking, He knows well better than you what is good and important for your life. Believe me, I pursued something that God did not want me involved and it cost me much heartache and pain for months on end. I learned that when God says “no”, its all good. I encourage you to keep an open mind when He says no to you. He sees far beyond your moment of excitement, and wants to help you avoid disaster. His way always has a greater purpose. Trust Him when He says no! God bless!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8


Fall is my favorite time of year. The most beautiful thing about fall is the leaves that change color and eventually drop and blanket the ground. As the seasons change, so do trees in their ability to survive the external conditions around them. Weather plays a role in how the tree grows, but its seasons are never disrupted as the cycle repeats itself, year after year.


As Christians, we too go through cycles of life. From the mountain top experiences to some of the lowest and loneliness times, the cycle never ends. But one thing you can be assured of, consistency in our Savior. He never changes. He continually loves us no matter where we are in life and His beautiful grace covers our sin so we can continue to survive, even as the struggles of life wear on the body.


Wherever you are in your life, anchor your hope and trust in Jesus Christ. He is your stronghold; He is your place of rest and He will see you through each seasonal change and make beauty from the ashes (Psalm 23:1-4)! God bless!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.      Lamentations 3:22-23


Happy anniversary to my sweet wife, together for four years, married for three. The beautiful thing about marriage is the bond of love between two individuals. The moment when love is first discovered is special, and you realize this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life loving and caring. Lori has been and continues to be just that, my loving, caring wife and I love her, I love us!


The example of love can be found in God’s love for us. As today’s passage says, His steadfast love never ceases. I love the word “steadfast”, as it never gives up, even at the lowest time in the relationship. God’s greatest act of love was His Son, Jesus Christ, who paid the penalty for mankind’s sins. Today, we can stand in the presence of the Lord because of the redemption He provided over 2,000 years ago. His love still covers us, no matter how badly we mess up.


And above all things, have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8


Do you have fervent love for one another? Let your life follow the example of Jesus Christ and never waiver in your love for one another. The example you show others is just what’s needed in today’s world. Never give up on love, never give up on those you love and God will bless you for your faithfulness!

Monday, October 24, 2022

 Then behold, they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you.” Matthew 9:2


How strong is your faith in God? Do you frequently exercise the privilege to pray asking God for help? Do you believe He will respond? Some things to think about when evaluating your faith and trust in an almighty God who can do anything with the faith of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20). So often we believe God has other, more important things to concern Himself that we don’t’ bother with our request.


Today’s passage is a clear example of faith on display. This poor paralytic was confined to His bed, but he believed Jesus could heal him, and because of his faith, Jesus did just that.


But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6


God takes pleasure in His children who seek after Him for help. When you concern God with your daily affairs, you bring His wisdom into the mix and He guides you through the daily challenges that you face. This helps keep you aligned with His perfect will for your life. Your faith is only as strong as the open door you leave for Him to your heart. God bless!



Sunday, October 23, 2022

 Psalms 34:4 I sought the Lord, and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears.

Last night we attended the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. One of the most prized singers appeared on stage intoxicated. His words were slurred as he tried to speak. I thought to myself, I wonder if he sought after alcohol to drown his fears on stage or some other trouble he was experiencing. 

It's truly sad that people find relief from the troubles of life with mind altering drugs or beverages. The truth is, those things are a temporary fix to an ongoing issue. Jesus said we will encounter trouble in this life. It's a key ingredient in the growth of a person's character. 

James 1:2-3

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.

Retreating from life's realities will only stunt your faith and personal growth. Find your comfort, your strength, your hope in the Lord. His way is everlasting and will never leave you high and dry. Trust Him with each day and watch your faith grow stronger. God bless. 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

 Matthew 7:14

For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. A Tree and Its Fruit

The journey through life is in constant motion, driven by choices you make and the motivation to pursue a certain direction. The question today, where is your moral compass leading you? 

Whether you know it or not, God created you in His image and wants to fill your life with great and abundant blessings. Those blessings are seeds and the decisions you make in this life determine if you'll plant them to produce spiritual fruit. 

Your life is like fertile soul, ready to produce, are you producing? Are people around you and the circumstances of your life changing for the glory of God, or is your surroundings still the same yesterday and a year ago? Don't let those seeds of His blessings go to waste. Invest your time and God given talents to change the world around you, one person, one circumstance at a time. Your life will be full of fruitful blessings and God will say on your the last day in the orchard, "well done my good and faithful servant". God bless. 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

 Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.     Matthew 5:2-3


Wouldn’t it be awesome to get a glimpse of Heaven?  Just seeing the beauty and experiencing the feelings and emotions of this heavenly place would be enough to sustain you for the rest of your life. Well, you can experience it right now in “The Beatitudes” found in Matthew 5:1-12.


What better source of understanding than hearing the words of Jesus Christ who expressed the blessings of knowing Him and experiencing heaven. Take a few minutes to read the beatitudes, you most certainly will relate to one or several of these encouraging passages.


This life on earth is just a second in comparison to the eternal life you will experience upon death. All the struggles you faced, the times of deep sadness, the times when you were at your lowest point and times when you needed God’s mercy, all will be rewarded with the goodness of God’s blessings. I encourage you when life seems difficult and desperate times call for God’s help, glimpse back over the beatitudes for encouragement and you’ll find that your tears will be wiped from your eyes (Revelation 21:4). God bless!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 “teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen Matthew 28:20


I am willing to bet you probably know 5 laws or rules of the place where you live and in your work place. They are there to keep order, and protect you from wrongdoing or cause personal injury. Laws and rules are necessary for an orderly society to function as it should.


One of Jesus last commands was to go and spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to instruct people of His commandments. Do you know His commandments? If you are like the average person, you might recall a few, but the truth is we all fall short when it comes to learning the instructions and commandments Jesus provided us during His brief period of ministry. The only true way to know them is to study His word.


From the book of Matthew to John, you can read of Jesus life and the commandments He provided you for an orderly and reverent life. Without this knowledge, you are blindly walking through life without spiritual wisdom and guidance to navigate the life He’s called you as a child of God.  Make time to study every day. One chapter a day is not much, but it’s enough to read and study as you develop your knowledge of His wise words to keep your life in check. God bless!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

 Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23


One of the most important organs in your body is the heart. Without it, other parts of the body will die. It’s important to take good care of your heart if you want to live a long life.


Today’s scripture reminds us of the importance to take good care of it with all diligence. What you allow into your life affects the heart. If you involve yourself in the troubles of the world, you will experience things that can harm your heart to the point that the joy in life no longer exist.


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17


If you want long lasting joy, seek after the things of the Lord, not of this world. They are temporary and fleeting, here today, gone tomorrow. But the true joy, the true contentment is with the Lord. He can make your heart rejoice in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). God bless!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23


I recently made my last payment on the purchase of a power tool for my woodworking hobby. It felt good to have that behind me, knowing I’m once again debt free. As a result, my credit score jumped up, putting me right where I want to be going into retirement!


There was another debt paid off thousands of years ago, and that was your sin debt. Today’s passage tells us that sin in one’s life has a penalty of death, eternal separation from God upon this physical death, cast into Hell for all eternity. Nothing you can do on your own can save you, only by accepting God’s free gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, who made payment for your sins. Jesus Christ died on a cross and rose again three days later, defeating death and making payment for the sins of mankind.


That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9


A simple prayer, asking God to forgive you of your sins, accept Jesus Christ into your heart, and live for Him daily, you will be saved. The biggest debt you’ll ever have is the one that last for eternity. Make the decision today to remove that debt by accepting Jesus Christ into your heart and know you are truly debt free! God bless!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

 Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fire apparel-rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. 1 Peter 3:3-4


For many women, and some men, weight loss is a big deal. The belief that you’ll look more attractive weighing less has driven some to an excessive obsession that provides nothing but an emotional roller coaster of ups and downs. Yea, weight loss is good for your health and clothes that fit, but it doesn’t make you any more beautiful, it just makes a lighter you.


Today’s passage really speaks to the true nature of beauty, the heart! Some of the most beautiful people I know carry a lot of weight, but it doesn’t define their character or detract from the inward beauty that shines from deep within their soul. The joy, love and peace that radiates from them is consuming, making you want to be around them to catch a ray of their light that shines so beautifully in this society brainwashed by the belief that less weight is better.


If you truly want to beautify yourself, work on your heart, not your appearance. God has blessed you with a beautiful spirit ready to shine the radiance of His glory. Be you, be real and don’t let the extra weight you carry lessen what God has placed in your heart! God bless!

Friday, October 14, 2022

 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13


I just read an article on Facebook about movie stars who don’t believe in God. Someone commented that he needed “proof” of God’s existence in order to believe and discredited “faith” as the answer. Let me share with you my thoughts.


To me, the proof of God’s existence is in each of us. Just look at the intricacies of the human body: the brain, the body’s functions, its immunity and most of all the creation of human life. Step outside and look at all the animals, birds, trees, even the air you are breathing. Then ask yourself, could this really come from an explosion and space dust? That sounds pretty far fetched in my opinion.


Then God said, “Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” Genesis 1:26


The very first book in the bible, Genesis, gives an account of how everything came about. You were created in “His” likeness. Although we aren’t God, we closely resemble Him and He has given each person a soul to carry on beyond this life. Each of us will spend eternity in either Heaven or Hell, based upon the decision to believe in God and trust in His Son, Jesus Christ, sacrifice for our sins.


If you don’t know God, seek after Him by reading scripture, prayer and earnestly seeking the proof you need to know Him. He will respond loud and clear. There is a God, and He wants you to know Him personally. Discover Him when you seek after Him! God bless!  

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produced patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4


A test is something used to check the condition of something, such as your knowledge of a subject matter, or testing a mechanical device or structure for its integrity. Testing puts things under pressure to see how they perform. Nothing is enjoyable about a test, but its necessary to ensure the person or thing is ready to perform at its best.


God often allows testing in His children to check the condition of their heart. It’s easy to focus on the administrator of the test, because it is causing the stress. But your strength in the test comes when you focus on Jesus Christ and not the person or situation causing the issue. When you focus your efforts on Him, and trust Him with the situation at hand, you allow Him room to work in your heart to strengthen your faith so when the test is complete, you come out stronger in faith than ever before.


Whatever is testing you right now is simply a mechanism to make you a stronger person. Don’t allow it to break you. Jesus has the power and authority over the testing and He permits it to happen. Just seek after Him for your strength and put your faith in Him that He will carry you through this difficult time. In the end, you’ll have a healthier relationship with your Savior and friend, Jesus Christ! God bless!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21


What’s on your mind throughout the day? I’m sure like most people, you have a special hobby, project or relationship you are working on that consumes your mind and time. Those things are great, but they shouldn’t affect other areas of your life, like family, work, other relationship, especially the one you have with Jesus Christ.


God gives each of us talents and abilities to use for His glory. No matter what you enjoy doing, it’s always best to keep God front and center of the activity and relationship so you won’t find yourself unbalanced in other areas of life. I have had to learn this lesson on many occasions, and it’s difficult at times, but important to always surround yourself with the thoughts of God. His Holy Spirit will show you when things get out of kilter and need to be brought back into alignment with His will and purpose for your life.


Next time your mind goes off on a journey, put Jesus in the driver’s seat so you’ll make sure your heart is in the right place. People depend upon you for stability, keep things balanced with your hopes and dreams and you’ll find the things that occupy your thoughts more pleasing to you and God. Blessings!

Monday, October 10, 2022

 Ephesians 3:20

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. 

It's Monday, and for some it's the start of another work week. Thankfully I have today off, but a lot of work will be on my plate Tuesday morning. How's your workload looking? 

If you are like me, you question how you'll ever get it all accomplished? I can tell you God is interested in your needs and capable of helping orchestrate the heavy workload so you can navigate through it without much difficulty. I can personally attest to this as I see His hand working in my place of employment every day. Yes, I still stress and worry some, but He provides little nuggets of encouragement throughout each day. 

Start today off in prayer, asking God to help you. He loves you and wants to help, even in the small details of work and life. Give it a try, with faith in His abilities, and you'll see Him working through the day. God bless.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

 Luke 9:23

[23]And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.

Currently I'm on day 3 of a four day motorcycle trip to the mountains. One of my faults is I overpack. When I left the house all the compartments on my bike were full, along with a bag I attached to the luggage rack. Looking at that bag, there is a pile of clothes I won't wear as my journey concludes tomorrow. This extra weight has made it more challenging to operate the bike. Lesson learned for my next trip. 

So, how does this relate to today's verse? As a Christian living in a secular world, it's easy to get caught up in the temporary things that we believe bring security and happiness. But the truth is these things weigh us down spiritually, making it difficult to traverse the spiritual journey God calls us to live by. 

Matthew 11:28

[28]"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.

Life is difficult on its own. Maybe it's time to lay down those things and people who weigh you down and find rest in the Lord. His way should never be a burden. If you are heavy hearted today, see what needs to be left behind so you can truly enjoy this life and impact the world with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

 Psalms 90:12

[12]So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.

Remember back in school when you had to create a science project and present it to the class? Yeah, that was a long time ago for me, but all I can say is no one got injured or died after watching my presentation. 

There will come a day when your life will be presented to God. Everything in your life will be on display for Him, and you. I'm sure, like all of us, there will be shameful moments when your actions were not God pleasing and quite possibly hurt others. Thankfully for the child of God, your sins have been pardoned by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. 

As your presentation day gets closer, make each day count for the Lord. No need to stand in shame, but be grateful for the One who saved your soul and walk in a manner that honors Him. God bless.  

Thursday, October 6, 2022

 In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him, even to His ears. Psalm 18:6


Have you ever been in distress? Maybe it was something you had to deal with at work or conflict with a family member. You knew it wouldn’t be pleasant, but necessary. What did you do in advance of that confrontation? Hopefully you found prayer to be your immediate response to the concerning issue at hand. Prayer is a great way to acknowledge the trouble that weighs you down, that keeps you up at night and stirs your heart.


In the bible, David had good reason to be in prayer. His life was sought after by a jealous king and his army was out to get David. While in hiding, he found prayer and trust in God to be his encouragement to live, protected within the strong hand of God. The book of Psalms is a great read when you need some encouraging words from someone whose been there, on a greater level of need than you probably have experienced.


Whatever you burden, your need or simply a little help to get you through the day, call upon the Lord. He is ready and willing to hear the needs of His children and capable of responding in a special way. Call upon Him today! God bless!

 There things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and your joy may be full. John 15:11


Joy, it’s an inner peace that brings contentment and total dependence on God regardless of your circumstances. Can you say you have joy in your heart? From my perspective, joy, even happiness, can be hard to come by when you depend on your current situation to satisfy you. Yea, recognition for the things you have accomplished and when everything seems to go right may provide momentary happiness, but to sustain happiness, joy must be present.


So how can joy fill your heart? By reading God’s word and staying in a continual state of prayer. God is your source for true joy and peace. When you read and study scripture your mind aligns itself with Godly thinking and reveals your purpose as a child of God. God’s word feeds and encourages you to remain steadfast in His love and committed to Godly obedience. Together your heart fills with joy, peace, contentment and a desire for the good things God provides.


You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11


The more time you spend with God, the more He will fill your heart with the elements of Joy. We all need more joy, me included. Ask God to create in you a desire to know Him more and take action to grow your relationship with a loving God who desires to give you the best life has to offer. God bless!

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6


In a world full of opinions and beliefs, it might be challenging to understand the right choices that need to be made for a successful and obedient child of God. Today’s verse reminds you to acknowledge God and He will direct your path. In other words, always consult God in prayer and seek after His wisdom as He helps you navigate life.


Decisions are important and some have impacts for the rest of your life. Wrong choices can lead to personal failure and disaster that can leave a horrible mark on your life. Don’t be in the dark, seek after the light of Christ and follow Him closely in strict obedience and your way will always be protected. God bless!


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Matthew 14:2


My wife and I are planning our anniversary trip to Nashville. One thing we’ve been doing is asking people who’ve been there before questions like: where to stay, what to visit and any other information that will benefit our time in the great music city.


While on earth, Jesus Christ gave a perfect account of what Heaven will be like for His children. “A house with many mansions” sounds like the perfect place to be! And as children of God, we will all live there for all eternity. The assurance of life eternal with the God of this universe is awesome to think about and wonder when we’ll check in.


I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7


Until then, you have a purpose and mission to accomplish by serving the Lord in whatever capacity He has placed you. Are you serving Him well? Your life isn’t over until the last breath taken, make each day count for the Lord.


Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. 2 Timothy 4:8

Monday, October 3, 2022

 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10


The process of how you got here is a miracle, the means by which it came about may and may not have been the most ideal situation. But God! He approved your creation and your existence today is part of His perfect plan. Have you discovered His purpose for your life?


The desire to enter into Heaven upon death is one good reason to accept God’s free gift of salvation, but the real truth is you need Him in your life and He wants you to be part of His life as well. Nothing that happened in the process of your creation was a mistake, God purposed your existence. How you live your life will determine the rewards received in Heaven and judgement for good works. Today’s passage is a great reminder that you should always seek after His will and plan for your life. When you do, blessings are showered down upon you to sustain you, encourage you and see the hand of God working in your life and the life of others.


You might not feel useful to God, but He already has your plan laid out. It’s never too late to get on board with His plan and see changes occur in your life. I encourage you to pray daily, and throughout the day, asking God to lead you through the day, showing you the path forward. Keep an open ear out for His quiet voice and I promise you He will help you follow His plan to a T! God bless!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

 You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, You still them. Psalm 89:9


Almost a year ago I purchased a new car. It came with all sorts of safety features that prevent you from having an accident in all kinds of driving conditions. On dry pavement, wet pavement, moving fast or slow, turning, backing….everything it will yield me to danger. All I have to do is push one button and instant safety is initiated.


As your creator, God Himself, can manipulate the storms in your life. Everything and everyone belong to Him (Psalm 24:1). This was clearly shown throughout Jesus time on earth. On several occasions He calmed the ocean’s waves and brought peace to those who were in fear. He has the ability to do anything.


With that said, He can help you when the storms of adversity hit. All you have to do is say one prayer to initiate His response and He will work to deal with the issues at hand. Sometimes the results might not turn out as you would like, but His way is better and meant to grow your faith and trust in Him. Whatever storms you are facing today, God is ready and willing to help you navigate through it, just call upon Him and He’ll do His part to calm the raging seas and bring peace to your storm tattered soul. God bless!

Saturday, October 1, 2022

 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7


I’ve gone through some things in my life and truthfully, I would rather have stayed home so I didn’t have to face the challenges that awaited me. But each time I prayed and asked for God’s help and He came to my rescue. Oh yea, things didn’t always turn out exactly how I had planned, but God’s plan was better and I’m still here today to share my experiences.


Things we go through in life look tough, scary, even intimidating. But for the child of God, we shouldn’t walk through this journey allowing our eyes to determine our course of action. God calls us to walk by faith. Because HE is faithful and always there with His children. He never leaves us to fight our way through difficulties alone. That’s one of the sweet perks of being a Christian, having the God of this universe on YOUR side, working for you, to help you even in the direst of times.


Maybe you are avoiding something or someone whose put you in a state of fear or intimidation. Take your anxieties to the Lord in prayer and trust Him to faithfully help you. He will, every time when you walk in faith! God bless!