Monday, October 3, 2022

 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10


The process of how you got here is a miracle, the means by which it came about may and may not have been the most ideal situation. But God! He approved your creation and your existence today is part of His perfect plan. Have you discovered His purpose for your life?


The desire to enter into Heaven upon death is one good reason to accept God’s free gift of salvation, but the real truth is you need Him in your life and He wants you to be part of His life as well. Nothing that happened in the process of your creation was a mistake, God purposed your existence. How you live your life will determine the rewards received in Heaven and judgement for good works. Today’s passage is a great reminder that you should always seek after His will and plan for your life. When you do, blessings are showered down upon you to sustain you, encourage you and see the hand of God working in your life and the life of others.


You might not feel useful to God, but He already has your plan laid out. It’s never too late to get on board with His plan and see changes occur in your life. I encourage you to pray daily, and throughout the day, asking God to lead you through the day, showing you the path forward. Keep an open ear out for His quiet voice and I promise you He will help you follow His plan to a T! God bless!

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