Sunday, October 30, 2022

 Ecclesiastes 1:14

I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind.

Regrets, they are things that impact your life, and others, for a very long time. Most are the result of poor decisions in life or missed opportunities. I once had a cancer survivor tell me, "tomorrow is never promised". So true, and ever since then I've tried to make life more fulfilling. 

But, that doesn't repair the damage I've caused to people I truly love and cherish. One of those is my children. As I watch them grow and develop into adulthood, I recall times I missed spent with them. Yes, I was there, but my time could have been more involved in them and not hobbies and work that lost touch when they needed my deepest attention and focus. 

Lesson learned, too late in life. Don't make the same mistake. Evaluate your time and focus to make sure it's not wasted on things that don't have lasting memories. Time spent with your family has lasting value, don't short change yourself with God's greatest blessing. Amen. 

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