Saturday, October 1, 2022

 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7


I’ve gone through some things in my life and truthfully, I would rather have stayed home so I didn’t have to face the challenges that awaited me. But each time I prayed and asked for God’s help and He came to my rescue. Oh yea, things didn’t always turn out exactly how I had planned, but God’s plan was better and I’m still here today to share my experiences.


Things we go through in life look tough, scary, even intimidating. But for the child of God, we shouldn’t walk through this journey allowing our eyes to determine our course of action. God calls us to walk by faith. Because HE is faithful and always there with His children. He never leaves us to fight our way through difficulties alone. That’s one of the sweet perks of being a Christian, having the God of this universe on YOUR side, working for you, to help you even in the direst of times.


Maybe you are avoiding something or someone whose put you in a state of fear or intimidation. Take your anxieties to the Lord in prayer and trust Him to faithfully help you. He will, every time when you walk in faith! God bless!

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