Saturday, October 8, 2022

 Psalms 90:12

[12]So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.

Remember back in school when you had to create a science project and present it to the class? Yeah, that was a long time ago for me, but all I can say is no one got injured or died after watching my presentation. 

There will come a day when your life will be presented to God. Everything in your life will be on display for Him, and you. I'm sure, like all of us, there will be shameful moments when your actions were not God pleasing and quite possibly hurt others. Thankfully for the child of God, your sins have been pardoned by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. 

As your presentation day gets closer, make each day count for the Lord. No need to stand in shame, but be grateful for the One who saved your soul and walk in a manner that honors Him. God bless.  

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