Wednesday, October 26, 2022

 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8


Fall is my favorite time of year. The most beautiful thing about fall is the leaves that change color and eventually drop and blanket the ground. As the seasons change, so do trees in their ability to survive the external conditions around them. Weather plays a role in how the tree grows, but its seasons are never disrupted as the cycle repeats itself, year after year.


As Christians, we too go through cycles of life. From the mountain top experiences to some of the lowest and loneliness times, the cycle never ends. But one thing you can be assured of, consistency in our Savior. He never changes. He continually loves us no matter where we are in life and His beautiful grace covers our sin so we can continue to survive, even as the struggles of life wear on the body.


Wherever you are in your life, anchor your hope and trust in Jesus Christ. He is your stronghold; He is your place of rest and He will see you through each seasonal change and make beauty from the ashes (Psalm 23:1-4)! God bless!

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