Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 “teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen Matthew 28:20


I am willing to bet you probably know 5 laws or rules of the place where you live and in your work place. They are there to keep order, and protect you from wrongdoing or cause personal injury. Laws and rules are necessary for an orderly society to function as it should.


One of Jesus last commands was to go and spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to instruct people of His commandments. Do you know His commandments? If you are like the average person, you might recall a few, but the truth is we all fall short when it comes to learning the instructions and commandments Jesus provided us during His brief period of ministry. The only true way to know them is to study His word.


From the book of Matthew to John, you can read of Jesus life and the commandments He provided you for an orderly and reverent life. Without this knowledge, you are blindly walking through life without spiritual wisdom and guidance to navigate the life He’s called you as a child of God.  Make time to study every day. One chapter a day is not much, but it’s enough to read and study as you develop your knowledge of His wise words to keep your life in check. God bless!

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