Friday, October 14, 2022

 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13


I just read an article on Facebook about movie stars who don’t believe in God. Someone commented that he needed “proof” of God’s existence in order to believe and discredited “faith” as the answer. Let me share with you my thoughts.


To me, the proof of God’s existence is in each of us. Just look at the intricacies of the human body: the brain, the body’s functions, its immunity and most of all the creation of human life. Step outside and look at all the animals, birds, trees, even the air you are breathing. Then ask yourself, could this really come from an explosion and space dust? That sounds pretty far fetched in my opinion.


Then God said, “Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” Genesis 1:26


The very first book in the bible, Genesis, gives an account of how everything came about. You were created in “His” likeness. Although we aren’t God, we closely resemble Him and He has given each person a soul to carry on beyond this life. Each of us will spend eternity in either Heaven or Hell, based upon the decision to believe in God and trust in His Son, Jesus Christ, sacrifice for our sins.


If you don’t know God, seek after Him by reading scripture, prayer and earnestly seeking the proof you need to know Him. He will respond loud and clear. There is a God, and He wants you to know Him personally. Discover Him when you seek after Him! God bless!  

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