Saturday, October 22, 2022

 Matthew 7:14

For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. A Tree and Its Fruit

The journey through life is in constant motion, driven by choices you make and the motivation to pursue a certain direction. The question today, where is your moral compass leading you? 

Whether you know it or not, God created you in His image and wants to fill your life with great and abundant blessings. Those blessings are seeds and the decisions you make in this life determine if you'll plant them to produce spiritual fruit. 

Your life is like fertile soul, ready to produce, are you producing? Are people around you and the circumstances of your life changing for the glory of God, or is your surroundings still the same yesterday and a year ago? Don't let those seeds of His blessings go to waste. Invest your time and God given talents to change the world around you, one person, one circumstance at a time. Your life will be full of fruitful blessings and God will say on your the last day in the orchard, "well done my good and faithful servant". God bless. 

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