Sunday, October 2, 2022

 You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, You still them. Psalm 89:9


Almost a year ago I purchased a new car. It came with all sorts of safety features that prevent you from having an accident in all kinds of driving conditions. On dry pavement, wet pavement, moving fast or slow, turning, backing….everything it will yield me to danger. All I have to do is push one button and instant safety is initiated.


As your creator, God Himself, can manipulate the storms in your life. Everything and everyone belong to Him (Psalm 24:1). This was clearly shown throughout Jesus time on earth. On several occasions He calmed the ocean’s waves and brought peace to those who were in fear. He has the ability to do anything.


With that said, He can help you when the storms of adversity hit. All you have to do is say one prayer to initiate His response and He will work to deal with the issues at hand. Sometimes the results might not turn out as you would like, but His way is better and meant to grow your faith and trust in Him. Whatever storms you are facing today, God is ready and willing to help you navigate through it, just call upon Him and He’ll do His part to calm the raging seas and bring peace to your storm tattered soul. God bless!

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