Wednesday, October 12, 2022

 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produced patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4


A test is something used to check the condition of something, such as your knowledge of a subject matter, or testing a mechanical device or structure for its integrity. Testing puts things under pressure to see how they perform. Nothing is enjoyable about a test, but its necessary to ensure the person or thing is ready to perform at its best.


God often allows testing in His children to check the condition of their heart. It’s easy to focus on the administrator of the test, because it is causing the stress. But your strength in the test comes when you focus on Jesus Christ and not the person or situation causing the issue. When you focus your efforts on Him, and trust Him with the situation at hand, you allow Him room to work in your heart to strengthen your faith so when the test is complete, you come out stronger in faith than ever before.


Whatever is testing you right now is simply a mechanism to make you a stronger person. Don’t allow it to break you. Jesus has the power and authority over the testing and He permits it to happen. Just seek after Him for your strength and put your faith in Him that He will carry you through this difficult time. In the end, you’ll have a healthier relationship with your Savior and friend, Jesus Christ! God bless!

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