Saturday, October 29, 2022

 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7


If you’ve ever been to a circus and watch the trapeze artist, you know they have a safety net below to catch them if they fall. That safety net gives them the confidence to perform without the fear of falling to their death.


For the child of God, living in this world while trying to sustain your faith can appear to be a daunting task given all the temptations, disappointments, and trails you encounter.  When the pressure is on, you might find yourself ready to throw in the towel. God never intended for His children to give up. Your faith in God is the safety net that He provides you in this world of trials and tribulations.


So often, and I speak from experience, its easy to get stressed out at the pressures you face on a daily basis. But at the end of the day and looking back, you can see the hand of God working on your behalf, providing you wisdom, encouragement and strength to sustain in the moment of truth. It’s those victorious moments that need to be burned into your mind as a reminder of God’s faithfulness.


You can live in this world and still maintain your Christian walk. Yea, the pressures of life will never end, but that doesn’t have to impact your witness and weaken your faith. You’ve got this friend! Commit your ways to the Lord every day and let His faithfulness sustain you when your show the world your God will never leave nor forsake you! God bless!

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