Sunday, April 30, 2017

   So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
James 1:19-20

Conflict, sooner or later we are bound to have differing opinions with someone or experience injustice towards us. These conflicts can quickly generate a stream of negative emotions...including anger and revenge. Many regretful words, actions and choices have occurred in the heat of the moment. 

Today's passage in James, gives us some guidance on what to do when the heat is turned up. "Listen". A quote from one of my favorite movies said it this way..."if you listen closely, you'll understand a man's true intentions." It takes a lot of patience to listen to someone opposing us, but that is their way of thinking...just as you have your opinion. Like a judge, both sides need to be heard. So listen closely to the other person and get an understanding from their perspective. 

Slow to speak...whew...I know some people fire back words quicker than a US Navy warship can launch a missile. Control of the mouth is important if the dialogue is to remain calm and balanced. My grandfather was slow to speak, yet when he spoke, it was words full of wisdom. There is power in that moment of silence. Don't engage, don't retreat, stop and listen and allow God to give you the words, if necessary to speak at all. 

Wrath, it takes very little in life to not get upset over something or someone. Anger has driven people to do things they've regretted later. Nothing good happens when we initiate action while angered, so stop, take a deep breath, remove yourself from the situation if necessary and find the moment to pray...asking God to help calm you and give you the peace He so graciously gives to those who seek it. 

This devotion is just as much for me as it is those reading it. We all need to practice these traits everyday. Our life will be a little more balanced and steady when we learn to give our struggles to God and allow His Spirit to guide us through the conflicts and struggles of life. 
Have a blessed day!  

Saturday, April 29, 2017

For our God is a consuming fire.
Hebrews 12:29

I recall a song at church camp like this..."it only takes a spark, to get a fire going". How true that is. As a park ranger, I have seen several wildfires. Once a fire has started, there isn't much to stop it until it runs out of things to burn. Many times I have seen flames literally leap ahead and consume the untouched fuel. Fire is amazing. 

Something else is even more amazing, God's love. It's like a spreads to every untouched soul. Children of God carry this spark with them and their influence can light up the ones "untouched" through their words and actions. Even someone far off can be influenced whay what you do. If you are a Christian, your life is a fire starter for God's love to spread to every untouched soul. Never loose sight of your purpose in life. 

Have you lit any fires of love lately? Maybe it's time to get your spark on and spread the fire of God's love to those around you. Trust me, there are plenty of souls who need your spark to discover what God can do in their life. Be a spark of love today! God bless. 

Friday, April 28, 2017

A man will be commended according to his wisdom. But he who is of perverse heart will be despised.
Proverbs 12:8

The other day I turned on my stereo and waited for the music to play. After a minute of waiting and no sound, I looked and there was no CD in the player. I forgot that I had removed it the day before. Ha, things like this happen as you age....forgetfulness. 

The experience with the missing CD is a good illustration of our life as children of God. We are all meant to live this life, or play it out. What we put in our "player" or mind is what comes out through our words and actions. If you don't feed your mind with anything, you can expect to hear or see nothing resembling Christ in your life. 

So what am I saying? Read the word of God, attend church, pray and surround yourself with Godly people.    These things feed that player.  The result, a sweet sounding child of God, living out each day serving Him, helping others and bringing glory to our Savior. 

What's in your player? It's continually playing...but if you don't feed it with God's word, you can't expect any good sound to come out through your life. Feed it with God's word every day and listen for the music of Christ to ring out from your life. Make a sweet sound today! 
God bless.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Then the Lord said to Samuel: "Behold, I will do something in Israel at which both ears of everyone who hears it will tingle. 1 Samuel 3:11

Does God have your attention? So often we go through life at lightning speed and often miss God's voice calling out to us. Satan does a good job keeping us distracted. As we continue in our self absorbed life, God often allows events to occur that halt us in our tracks and we suddenly find it necessary to turn to Him for help and direction. 

I remember when the events of 9/11 occurred. America stopped and sought after God. Following that fateful day, church attendance increased, people prayed and I saw more American flags on display....showing pride in America.  

Has some tragic event just occurred in your life? Maybe God has allowed it to stop your progression down the wrong path and to turn to Him for guidance and healing. If you continue to ignore God, He will eventually allow something big to occur that will grab your attention. Lesson here....always stay in tune with God. Even the most focussed Chirstian is not immune to trouble, but will already be on the receiving end of God's voice knowing where to take the next step or turn. 

The only way to navigate this life is with open ears to hear God's voice, keep the focus on Him and sustain a Christ like character everyday. Seek Him out today. 
God bless.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. Isaiah 40:5

Under cover, it's a term used to represent someone in law enforcement who steps away from their daily routine and attire and fits in with the "bad guys" in attempt to gain information, identify the wrongdoers and hopefully turn some away from their life of crime. That under cover officer talks, dresses and behaves as his opponents. The most dangerous part of being under cover is being revealed of his true identity. Some undercover officers have been killed in the line of duty. 

There is another person, Jesus Christ, who died in the line of duty to save us from an eternity in Hell. When a part of God's glory stepped down from Heaven in the form of a man, He became one of us. He dressed like us, spoke like us and reached out to anyone who would have Him. Nothing about His life was "under cover". He made it clear who He was and His intended purpose on earth.

The question to ask....are you a child of God? If yes, are you living "under cover" in your life? Do others see Christ living in you by your actions, words, and attire? Jesus did not call us to live in this world to hide our light, but to let it shine into the darkness. How bright is your light? 

Stop playing the "under cover" game and reveal the savior to your friends, coworkers and family. You life will be a blessed when you boldly represent your Savior, Jesus Christ. God bless. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

And when the people heard this bad news, they mourned, and no one put on his ornaments.
Exodus 33:4

It doesn't take but just a minute watching the news or reading the newspaper to realize our world is in a state of chaos, crime and evil. Bad news seems to drive the media to produce more and more negative information....even the Weather Channel gets in on the action with bad news regarding storms. Bad news also comes in the form of a conversation with friends or family members. One phone call can change your entire life. 

So how do we handle ourselves when we receive bad news? We get closer to God through prayer on our knees, remove anything that hinders our relationship with Him and focus on God's voice so we know the direction to take. That's exactly what the Israelites did when they received word that God was not happy with their behavior and threatened to wipe them out. "And it came to pass that everyone who sought the Lord went out to the tabernacle of meeting which was outside the camp." Exodus 33:7

Maybe you received some bad news. Possibly the result of wrongful actions on your part or just something out of the ordinary beyond your control. Always remember, no matter how little control you have, God has a plan for it and will use it to grow you in your faith. It might be painful and loss can be expected, but through loss comes grace and healing and something new. God loves you and wants to commune with you. Draw close to Him in your time of grief and dispair....He will bring comfort to your heart and life. Bad news? Don't fret, come close to God and walk with Him through the tough times....He will bring you through it. Trust Him today. God bless.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Blessed are the merciful,
For they shall obtain mercy. 
Matthew 5:7

Merciful, forgiving someone of their trespasses. It doesn't take very long after getting up in the morning to encounter people who offend us, cause us grief or just plain evil. This world seems to be heading to Hell faster each day. But there is something to remember, that's why God sent His Son Jesus Christ, so He could forgive those who accept Jesus into their life. 

God created mankind, yet it was mankind who failed God in his disobedience. God loved us so much that He knew the only way He could even look upon us was through a painful sacrifice, a sin offering...His Son. Horrendous and painful as it was, Jesus remained faithful to His purpose to die in our place so we could have that personal relationship with our creator. Jesus purest example of mercy was in the final hours of His life, beaten and heart broken, He said "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". 

As you march through this day, carry with you the same mercy Jesus had for you....forgive others who come against you. Nothing has to be said, just display peace and say a prayer for your offender. Your mercy will be seen by God and the offender. Hopefully they too will find the same mercy through Christ that you received on your day of acceptance. God bless. 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. Romans 14:12

Inside every commercial airplane is a "black box" which contains recorders...documenting conversations in the cockpit and registering all the flight controls and the plane's altitude and flight behavior. If an unfortunate wreck occurs, this data can be retrieved to determine what happened that caused the plane to crash. Many times "pilot error" is the main cause of planes crashing. 

Inside every child of God lives the Spirit of Christ. He is like a plane's black box, quietly recording every word and action taken on your part. He sees what you view on the Internet, goes everywhere you go and monitors your life's altitude in relation to His calling for your life. Nothing goes unoticed. One day, everything about your life will be revealed at the day of you lived your life for Christ. 

Advance forward with me to that day of reckoning. What would His Spirit reveal so far? Will you be found guilty of "pilot error", failing to live your life the way Christ intended you to live? Fortunately, if you are reading this blog, you still have time to make some changes to your flight path. Maybe you need to cut off your Internet and cable service, end some unhealthy relationships and stop going places that you know aren't God honoring. Take some time to reflect and change course where you see necesary so you won't crash and burn. Radio to God's control tower and ask for His help in giving you new coordinates so you can fly around danger and sore high! Fly right with Christ today. God bless.  

Friday, April 21, 2017

So then, those are in the flesh cannot please God. But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.
Romans 8:8-9

When financing anything there are 2 obligations to the deal. 1) your signature, agreeing to the loan. 2) making monthly payments on the loan until the debt is paid in full. Some people today don't mind signing on the line and taking possession of the property. Unfortunately they had no intentions of making payments on the debt. Eventually a repo company will come and take it away. 

When you accept Christ into your life two things should happen. 1) belief in Christ sacrifice for your sins and acceptance of His presence in your  life. 2) a commitment to live for Him daily. Jesus Christ already paid your sin debt on the cross. When you accept Him into your life, you are using His blood as a signed agreement to this new relationship with Him. Your part is to live out your life for Him. Yes, the struggle to turn from sin will be great at times and yes, you will fail....and sometimes fail miserably. But, your life should always be moving upward in your faith. Each day, each year should show signs of progressing towards Christlikeness. If you aren't improving, you are "back sliding". 

Has your name been written in Christ blood for an eternal relationship with Him? If so, then live out your faith daily. Grow in your relationship and remove the worldly things from your life so you can be an image of Christ to those around you. Walk in faith, live in obedience....God will grow you and bless you each and every day. Life for Him today! God bless.  

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26


As I drove to work this morning I had my windows down and could hear birds singing. The entire drive through town was like a chorus singing praise to God!


Like today’s passage says, birds do not sow or reap or store food for future consumption. If they are hungry right now, they go and find food. God has created an environment in which He feeds them every day, 365 days a year. If God can take care of little birds, don’t you think He can take care of your daily needs?


So often we are faced with challenges that seem to consume our thoughts and generate feelings of worry and fear. We think to ourselves, how are we going to tackle this issue, how am I going to pay this bill or will I ever heal from this sickness. Trust your cares to Him! He loves you. He created you in HIS image….He identifies with you. Give Him your concerns, express your needs and He will fill those voids in life and sustain you in the midst of chaos.


Find peace, fulfillment and healing by focusing your attention away from your troubles and look towards the Lord for all your needs! If He can keep the birds fed, He will keep you under His care….so you can sing praises ever day…just like the birds. Listen today for their songs and praise God with them! God bless!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. 1 John 2: 15 and 17

What is it that you love? A person, place or thing? Maybe it's all three. Everyone is different and has their own personal passions and pleasures. The question that needs to be asked, does it align with God's will for your life? When you are walking down the right path, those things you love simply work together to bring goodness and blessings into your life and at the same time honor God. If you are spiritually in tune with God, you will know what should be in your life and what needs to be removed. 

Those things the Spirit convicts you of can be the hardest to surrender. You've got your fingers wrapped around it so tight and so close to your heart, it is almost like a shield, blocking God out from your life. That is dangerous territory friend and you need to let go of it before you turn God away and He allows you to pursue your personal interest without His apporval. You will find your temporary pleasure will bankrupt you spiritually, emotionally and even physically. 

Want to invest your hearts desire in things and people that will last forever? Seek God's wisdom and guidance when evaluating your pleasures, passions and who you give your heart to....God will never leave or forsake you and will always bless your interst if they align with His will. Evaluate your passions against His wisdom today and thank Him for what He allows and what He sees necessary to remove....your life will be more fulfilling.  
Have a blessed day! 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. James 5:8

For the child of God, the speed of your life determines the impact of Christ in your life and the blessings that follow. Let me explain....this world is moving at a rapid pace and it seems to be increasing each year. Technology has taken away from us a valuable commodity...time. Time spent doing things that honor God like prayer, bible study and church attendance reveals where your priorites are in relation to God in your life. Time spent helping others, witnessing and visiting those in need of companionship is ways we can express Christ love through our selfless actions. 

The faster you move through life, the less time you have to do the Lord's work. As today's scripture patient....take time to praise God, worship Him and serve Him. The Lord is coming back one day soon to gather up His children, don't miss out on those sweet words..."Well done my good and faithful servant". Make time for the Lord every day and find blessings along the way. 
Have a blessed day.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart! But believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, Believe that you receive them, and you will have them. Mark 11:22-24

Every time I come up to the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee, I'm just amazed at the vastness of land and high peaks that abound. Another thought occurred to me on this recent trip. I know God created this planet and the is my thought, God is bigger than the mountains. Nothing he created can overwhelm Him or do anything counter to His will and purpose. 

As you roll out of bed every morning, the challenges and stresses of life await your arrival. The dread of work or other things you encounter may make you not want to get up. Don't fear, the spirit of God, living inside of you is bigger than these mountains of problems. He can help get you through the issues at hand. Keeping your faith strong is the key to move those mountains from your path. If you ask God, trust Him in His response. It might not happen right away, but He is on it. Never loose faith in the mountain mover. 

What's ahead today? Ask God for wisdom and believe His guiding hand will sustain you no matter the challenges you face. Pray specifically for certain things and trust Him to do what's necessary for your benefit and His. He will honor your request. If He can make mountains, He can move them as well.....alll He needs is your faith to be strong. Have a blessed day. ‎

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. John 8:12

Who left the light on? One of the most common things heard in a house with kids. Kids are in such a rush that they often forget to turn the light off....thus they stay burning til the parent comes by to turn them off. 

From the beginning of time til the presence of God's son, Jesus Christ, upon earth, this place was full of darkness....lead by the "prince of darkness"...Satan. Mankind needed a light turned on. Jesus was that light. His life was a brief but an excellent example of God's and forgiveness. Wherever Jesus went, darkness fled.

Satan knew God had turned on the light of the world and he was defeated. Today, we can live with the light on continuously. Because Jesus rose from the dead, each believer carries inside him the light of Christ through the Holy Spirit. Sure, the world around us is full of people living in darkness. But, as you go about your every day, you can turn the light on in other people's life. That's what we are called to do. 

When you talk to someone this week, ask them if their light is on inside their heart. They may look at you in a funny way, but share with them how the Light of Christ has changed your life for eternity. It's your job as a child of God to go and turn the lights on in every area of your have God's permission to do so....go light up the world for Jesus! 
Happy Easter friend and God bless! 

Saturday, April 15, 2017

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

Super hero....we all have had one in life. Whose yours? I had a few growing up. As a child, we try to dress like them, act like them and somehow in our little minds think we can do things no other human has achieved. 

As children of God, our Super hero should be Jesus Christ. His spirit lives on the inside of every believer. Although we try our best to walk and talk like Jesus, our efforts are futile. That's why He gave us His Spirit to give us strength when we are weak, wisdom when we are confused and grace when all others fail us....we can still love and forgive our offenders. As humans we are limited by our flesh, but with His Spirit we can move mountains through our faith and trust in Him. 

Do a reality check. Who are you modeling your life by? Your neighbor, co-worker, an entertainer or athlete? None of these people can provide super human strength like the Spirit of Christ...and He resides inside your life. No need to do it on your own, ask Him to guide your every step, thought and word...miniute by minute, day by day.  You've got a super hero living inside you....lean on Him and you will beat out any human icon any day of the week. Have a blessed day.

Friday, April 14, 2017

For Your mercy is great above the Heavens, and Your truth reaches the clouds. Psalm 108:4

Happy Good Friday! As we enter this weekend celebrating the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and His rising victoriously from the dead 3 days later, let us be thankful for the sin debt paid on our behalf. For some people, this may not seem like a big deal, but it is. What happened during this sacrificial process provided a one way ticket to Heaven for those who believe in Christ and accept His free offer of salvation. 

For those who deny Christ existence and His sacrifice, condemns them to eternity in hell completely separated from Christ. As children of God, it's our duty to share the good news of Christ free gift to those in our life. Everywhere we go should be an opportunity to express our faith through words and actions. Keeping silent is to say Jesus is not important. He is important and the blessings in your life should overflow to those around you. Share the good news today! Christ has risen!
God bless!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Colossians 4:5

Light. It penetrates the darkness. Light has no end, even the stars, millions of miles away, never loose their brightness. In my travels on my motorcycle, I see so many people living in darkness with no hope for eternity. The presence of God is void in their life. So sad. But, as a child of God, I can penetrate their darkened world by acts of kindness....saying hello and opening up a dialogue to share the good news of Christ, giving some money to sustain them one more day or simply sharing a moment of thanks to God for the beautiful day He provided us. 

Does your light shine in the darkness which you walk through on a daily basis? The grocery store, work, gas station, even at church.....there are so many people lost in themselves and worldly living that they can't see their wrongful ways. Touch them with the light of Christ that resides inside you. Living like Christ will do all the talking. You don't have to preach a sermon or sing in a choir to light someone's life....simply love others and be the Godly example you were meant to be. The darkness needs your a light today. God bless. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth. But when the sun was up they were scorched and because they had no root they withered away. Matthew 13:5-6


If you've ever tried to plant a garden or seed a lawn, you know that rocks are not good in the soil for plant growth. They take up space, make it difficult for cultivation and simply, seeds don't grow on rocks. The soil needs to be free of rocks and the soil tilled to provide the optimum environment for plant growth. Yes, it takes some time and hard work, but your reward will yield a beautiful garden!


Today's passage comes from the parable of the Sower. He dispersed seed on different soils, but as we read, only the good soil produced a bountiful harvest. Something you need to ask yourself today.....whats the condition of my heart? Is it always tilled up, ready to receive God's word and call to action? Or, are there stony things in my life that hinder spiritual growth in Christ? Worldly things, people and pleasures can often be stumbling blocks to spiritual growth. Without your dedication to the Lord and williness to weed out those rocks from your life, you can't expect God use you to your fullest potential and bless you.


Take time today to survey the soil of your life. What things and people do you need to remove from your life that will prepare your heart for optimum growth in Christ. Yes, letting go of those those things might be painful, but necessary. May your life be furtile ground for the Lord....He is ready to grow something beautiful in your life today.

God bless.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

If you have ever seen a football game you know there is a lot of pushing involved. The offense is always pushing toward the goal, while the defense is trying to push the players back to their starting point. Whoever has the strongest lineman usually win. 

Life for the child of God is pretty much the same while living in this world. The goal is to live a more obedient life in Christ as you progress towards sanctification. As you become more Christ like in your actions, words and thoughts, the defense (satan) tries to push you back to the life you lived prior to conversion. He doesn't mind if you are on the playing field, he just doesn't want you to advance. 

Can you relate? I don't know about you, but some days it's a struggle just to maintain status quo. Seems like the forces of evil just keep pushing harder and harder. Trying to live right, do right and keep my focus on God can be a challenge at times. But there is one thing we all need to remember...God has already won the game through Jesus Chirst sacrafice on the cross and raised to life again. He conquored the defensive line with a powerful punch. Nothing against you is stronger than the Holy Spirit living inside your heart. 

Don't worry about what the scoreboard says....the game has been won and you are on the winning team. No matter how far back Satan pushes you...PUSH BACK! Keep forging ahead....your great reward awaits you at the end zone. And once you cross that line, you will hear sweet Jesus say..."well done my good and faithful servant".  Blow the whistle at satan and let him know the game is up! God bless!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Then Jesus said to Him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe."
John 4:48

Signs, they are everywhere providing us information, warning us and most importantly where to go. Without signs to guide us, we'd turn down the wrong street and get lost. 

For the Christian, it's important to recognize the signs God places in our life. His signs don't come staked in the ground....they come in a variety of ways; through people's words of wisdom, the bible, thoughts that enter our mind, even unpleasant situations and moments of pain and heartbreak are God's way of guiding us away from danger and headed in the right direction. How do you see His signs? By having spiritual eyes. Praying daily and reading scripture creates an awareness of His presence and the signs He gives us. 

I can't tell you the number of times I have encountered God's direction in the middle of a crises or loss of a significant relationship. Many, many, many times God closes doors in our life to guide us in the best direction. Although we may not have wanted certain doors to close...He knows what's best for you and me. They key is to trust Him. 

What sign has God given you today? Stay prayed up and scripture fed so you can clearly see the signs and wonders he works out in your daily life. You'll be amazed at His wondrous works. Stay on the lookout today!
God bless friend.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

And He said, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.". Exodus 33:14

Today's passage comes from a conversation between God and Moses....who was to lead His people from Egypt into the Promised Land. Moses had a big task at hand and he was questioning God to make sure He was going to stick around and not leave him as he lead the people from captivity. God's word of assurance was spoken and provided everything necessary for their relocation from slavery to freedom. 

If you are a child of God, you can bet He will ask you to do something for Him. It might be to serve in the church, help your neighbor, give money for a certain charity or even step out of your homeland and travel abroad to spread the gospel to remote places of the world. God has no shortage of missions for you....are you obediently answering His call to serve? 

Oftentimes when God sends us a task, we have questions and want verification. When God commands you to do something, do it and do it well. No need to question God. If it is His voice calling you to serve you will know it beyond a shadow of doubt. If you ignore His voice, he will do things to get your attention. So keep an ear always open to His calling and respond well knowing He is with you and equips you for the matter how big or small. 

When you totally submit to God, He brings blessings into your life. He knows the mission field is hard work....Satan is doing everything he can to disrupt God's business...dont fret, keep forging ahead....God is with you always and at the end of the day provides beneficial rest. Give God your all today and be a blessing to Him. 
God bless. 

Saturday, April 8, 2017

For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from Heaven, if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked. 2 Corinthians 5:2-3

Dress for success. Advice given to those who want to take life to the next level upward. How we dress and act says a lot about our character, confidence and ambitions. When someone dresses up, they normally feel better about themselves and appreciate the compliments that go along with the polished look. 

As Christians, we too should dress for success. Not necessarily in clothing, but dressing our life with spiritual attributes. Our "attire" should be a reflection of Jesus Christ who lives in us. Our next step up in life is Heaven. So why dress in worldly attire? If you read the previous verse, 2 Corinthians 5:1, you'll see that our bodies and this world will be destroyed. Dressing ourselves in worldly pleasures does not represent who we are in Christ. 

As a child of God, you need to have the "polished" look of Christ.  Everything you do, say and what you allow into your life should be seasoned with God's blessings. Anything outside of His apparel store is not dressing you for that promotion Heavenward. Ask God to help you throw out the worldly lifestyle and get fitted for Godly success. It never goes out of style, always fits and others long for it. Share the word with others and help them dress for success. Dress for success today. 
God bless.

Friday, April 7, 2017

And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head. Mark 14:3

Days leading up to Jesus death on the cross, this lady comes forth and gives up this expensive oil to cover Jesus head. This oil comes from a plant found in the Himalayas at a high was costly to harvest and expensive to purchase. Yet, this woman knew who Jesus was and wanted to honor Him with what she most likely treasured. 

As we lead up to Easter, think about what you can give up to Jesus. Maybe it's something you treasure so much that it stands in the way of a perfect relationship with Him. When you surrender a possession or person to Jesus, you display your genuine love for the Lord. He sees your sacrafice and will bless you even more. He doesn't want you to be void of wonderful things in life.....but what He can bless you with far exceeds any earthly possession or personal relationship. 

Look over your life, your possessions, habits, hobbies and pleasures.....what one thing holds you back from completeness with Him? Make a commitment to Jesus to surrender it and ask for His presence to fill that void. You will find your cup will runneth over. Self sacrafice opens the door to a better life. He sacraficed Himself so you could have a personal relationship with Him. What will you sacrafice to honor Jesus? Blessings friend.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being covered with the waves; but Jesus Himself was asleep. Matthew 8:24


Have you ever experienced a scary storm, and found out one of your family members slept right through it? I have, and you question how they could be so relaxed. In today’s passage, Jesus was with His disciples in a bad storm….Jesus remained asleep. Just think, the creator of the universe there with you, in the middle of a storm, sound asleep. I often wonder if He was really asleep, or just showing His disciples what true faith and trust in God truly meant.


You see, when you learn to put your total faith and trust in Him, peace and joy surround your heart. As a result, you learn to give up your worries to the Lord as soon as they cross your plate and trust Him to help you work through your circumstances. Yes, there will be times when the end result might not be so favorable, BUT, God has a plan in every painful moment you go through in life. He can use your pain and difficulties to yield a stronger spirit who can do great and mighty things for His glory and bless you in the process. Learning complete surrender is the key to living a more peaceful life! I’m getting there slowly.


The next storm is approaching! Can you find enough peace to weather the storm? If not, ask God to help you learn to trust Him more in each and every situation. The more at peace you are, the better you can serve Him, unrestricted from the troubles of this life! Find peace in today’s storm! God bless!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. 1 John 3:5

This morning I was off from work and at home to see the trash man haul off my trash. All during the week my rolling trash can receives all the stuff I discard and no longer need. Then once a week they come and haul it off. Thankful to the men who work hard to remove my trash. 

Over 2,000 years ago there was a man who hauled off mankind's trash, sin, that has accumulated since the beginning of time. Without Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross, my sins would overflow and my life would be a stinky mess. Thankfully His labor of love cleansed me and I no longer carry the weight of sin. He doesn't take it away once a week, it's dumpster needed.

How about your life? Are you on Jesus sin removal route or are you weighted down by the stinky mess of a sinful life....totally separated from the Savior? All you have to do is ask for His forgiveness and receive Him into your life today. Turn from a sinful lifestyle and feel the freedom to live victorious in this life. He will always be there to carry your load, trust Him today. God bless.

Monday, April 3, 2017

My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips. Psalm 63:5

Monday mornings are usually a drag for most working people. The weekend was refreshing and fun, but Monday comes and it's back to the workplace. That Monday blues early attitude will taint the entire day. How about a change and praise God on Monday?

Monday Praise! This morning, spend a minute or two simply thanking God for all the good things in your life. Everything from your home, family, health, vehicles, employment....the list can be endless....but you should be able to find a few things to thank Him for in your life. When we praise God, it turns our negative attitude into a positive like clears the smoke from our eyes so we can focus on good and not bad. 

Good Monday morning friend! Got your praise on this morning? Thank and praise Him for all things and see your day blossom into something beautiful. The darkness around you is searching for a the light of Christ everywhere you go today! 
Have a blessed day friend. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

A while ago I was interested in a new truck that had just come out. I saw all kinds of advertising for it....everything sounded good it made you want to go down to the store and buy one. My work actually acquired a few of those trucks, so I was able to test drive it. Much to my surprise, it wasn't all the vehicle advertising had made it out to be. Thankful I was able to drive it for the day and realize you can't always believe everything you see and hear. 

That's so true in life. As Christians, it's very important to guard your life with a spirit of discernment. There are a lot of good looking people and things out there that catch our attention, but not everything is what it appears. Even what others might say, it's best to trust your God given Spirit to decide what's best for your life and what needs to be turned down for the sake of spiritual purity. 

A good measuring stick is to check the depth of their faith. Questions to they own a bible, do they read it, do they attend church (if they are able), do you see spiritual fruits in their life? If you see evidence of evil in their life, make a U-turn and run quickly away. Sometimes it seems the best looking people are ones Satan has fronted to distract us from walking in total obedience. As I've said, God blesses obedience. If they aren't completely walking in the light of Christ, how can God bless you if you pursue them with your heart?

Check them out, take them for a test ride of their heart....ask questions, and always stay guarded. Remember, everyone is at their best in the start. The true character comes out months later when the newness has worn off. Trust the Holy Spirit to lead you and give you wisdom. If He says run, don't ask questions, run back to where you began and stay protected by God's wisdom. He will ensure you have the best people in your life to bring glory to Him anbd bless you along the way. 
God bless.