Sunday, April 30, 2017

   So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
James 1:19-20

Conflict, sooner or later we are bound to have differing opinions with someone or experience injustice towards us. These conflicts can quickly generate a stream of negative emotions...including anger and revenge. Many regretful words, actions and choices have occurred in the heat of the moment. 

Today's passage in James, gives us some guidance on what to do when the heat is turned up. "Listen". A quote from one of my favorite movies said it this way..."if you listen closely, you'll understand a man's true intentions." It takes a lot of patience to listen to someone opposing us, but that is their way of thinking...just as you have your opinion. Like a judge, both sides need to be heard. So listen closely to the other person and get an understanding from their perspective. 

Slow to speak...whew...I know some people fire back words quicker than a US Navy warship can launch a missile. Control of the mouth is important if the dialogue is to remain calm and balanced. My grandfather was slow to speak, yet when he spoke, it was words full of wisdom. There is power in that moment of silence. Don't engage, don't retreat, stop and listen and allow God to give you the words, if necessary to speak at all. 

Wrath, it takes very little in life to not get upset over something or someone. Anger has driven people to do things they've regretted later. Nothing good happens when we initiate action while angered, so stop, take a deep breath, remove yourself from the situation if necessary and find the moment to pray...asking God to help calm you and give you the peace He so graciously gives to those who seek it. 

This devotion is just as much for me as it is those reading it. We all need to practice these traits everyday. Our life will be a little more balanced and steady when we learn to give our struggles to God and allow His Spirit to guide us through the conflicts and struggles of life. 
Have a blessed day!  

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