Sunday, April 9, 2017

And He said, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.". Exodus 33:14

Today's passage comes from a conversation between God and Moses....who was to lead His people from Egypt into the Promised Land. Moses had a big task at hand and he was questioning God to make sure He was going to stick around and not leave him as he lead the people from captivity. God's word of assurance was spoken and provided everything necessary for their relocation from slavery to freedom. 

If you are a child of God, you can bet He will ask you to do something for Him. It might be to serve in the church, help your neighbor, give money for a certain charity or even step out of your homeland and travel abroad to spread the gospel to remote places of the world. God has no shortage of missions for you....are you obediently answering His call to serve? 

Oftentimes when God sends us a task, we have questions and want verification. When God commands you to do something, do it and do it well. No need to question God. If it is His voice calling you to serve you will know it beyond a shadow of doubt. If you ignore His voice, he will do things to get your attention. So keep an ear always open to His calling and respond well knowing He is with you and equips you for the matter how big or small. 

When you totally submit to God, He brings blessings into your life. He knows the mission field is hard work....Satan is doing everything he can to disrupt God's business...dont fret, keep forging ahead....God is with you always and at the end of the day provides beneficial rest. Give God your all today and be a blessing to Him. 
God bless. 

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