Friday, April 14, 2017

For Your mercy is great above the Heavens, and Your truth reaches the clouds. Psalm 108:4

Happy Good Friday! As we enter this weekend celebrating the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and His rising victoriously from the dead 3 days later, let us be thankful for the sin debt paid on our behalf. For some people, this may not seem like a big deal, but it is. What happened during this sacrificial process provided a one way ticket to Heaven for those who believe in Christ and accept His free offer of salvation. 

For those who deny Christ existence and His sacrifice, condemns them to eternity in hell completely separated from Christ. As children of God, it's our duty to share the good news of Christ free gift to those in our life. Everywhere we go should be an opportunity to express our faith through words and actions. Keeping silent is to say Jesus is not important. He is important and the blessings in your life should overflow to those around you. Share the good news today! Christ has risen!
God bless!

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