Friday, April 7, 2017

And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head. Mark 14:3

Days leading up to Jesus death on the cross, this lady comes forth and gives up this expensive oil to cover Jesus head. This oil comes from a plant found in the Himalayas at a high was costly to harvest and expensive to purchase. Yet, this woman knew who Jesus was and wanted to honor Him with what she most likely treasured. 

As we lead up to Easter, think about what you can give up to Jesus. Maybe it's something you treasure so much that it stands in the way of a perfect relationship with Him. When you surrender a possession or person to Jesus, you display your genuine love for the Lord. He sees your sacrafice and will bless you even more. He doesn't want you to be void of wonderful things in life.....but what He can bless you with far exceeds any earthly possession or personal relationship. 

Look over your life, your possessions, habits, hobbies and pleasures.....what one thing holds you back from completeness with Him? Make a commitment to Jesus to surrender it and ask for His presence to fill that void. You will find your cup will runneth over. Self sacrafice opens the door to a better life. He sacraficed Himself so you could have a personal relationship with Him. What will you sacrafice to honor Jesus? Blessings friend.

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