Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth. But when the sun was up they were scorched and because they had no root they withered away. Matthew 13:5-6


If you've ever tried to plant a garden or seed a lawn, you know that rocks are not good in the soil for plant growth. They take up space, make it difficult for cultivation and simply, seeds don't grow on rocks. The soil needs to be free of rocks and the soil tilled to provide the optimum environment for plant growth. Yes, it takes some time and hard work, but your reward will yield a beautiful garden!


Today's passage comes from the parable of the Sower. He dispersed seed on different soils, but as we read, only the good soil produced a bountiful harvest. Something you need to ask yourself today.....whats the condition of my heart? Is it always tilled up, ready to receive God's word and call to action? Or, are there stony things in my life that hinder spiritual growth in Christ? Worldly things, people and pleasures can often be stumbling blocks to spiritual growth. Without your dedication to the Lord and williness to weed out those rocks from your life, you can't expect God use you to your fullest potential and bless you.


Take time today to survey the soil of your life. What things and people do you need to remove from your life that will prepare your heart for optimum growth in Christ. Yes, letting go of those those things might be painful, but necessary. May your life be furtile ground for the Lord....He is ready to grow something beautiful in your life today.

God bless.

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