Tuesday, April 11, 2017

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

If you have ever seen a football game you know there is a lot of pushing involved. The offense is always pushing toward the goal, while the defense is trying to push the players back to their starting point. Whoever has the strongest lineman usually win. 

Life for the child of God is pretty much the same while living in this world. The goal is to live a more obedient life in Christ as you progress towards sanctification. As you become more Christ like in your actions, words and thoughts, the defense (satan) tries to push you back to the life you lived prior to conversion. He doesn't mind if you are on the playing field, he just doesn't want you to advance. 

Can you relate? I don't know about you, but some days it's a struggle just to maintain status quo. Seems like the forces of evil just keep pushing harder and harder. Trying to live right, do right and keep my focus on God can be a challenge at times. But there is one thing we all need to remember...God has already won the game through Jesus Chirst sacrafice on the cross and raised to life again. He conquored the defensive line with a powerful punch. Nothing against you is stronger than the Holy Spirit living inside your heart. 

Don't worry about what the scoreboard says....the game has been won and you are on the winning team. No matter how far back Satan pushes you...PUSH BACK! Keep forging ahead....your great reward awaits you at the end zone. And once you cross that line, you will hear sweet Jesus say..."well done my good and faithful servant".  Blow the whistle at satan and let him know the game is up! God bless!

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