Sunday, April 23, 2017

Blessed are the merciful,
For they shall obtain mercy. 
Matthew 5:7

Merciful, forgiving someone of their trespasses. It doesn't take very long after getting up in the morning to encounter people who offend us, cause us grief or just plain evil. This world seems to be heading to Hell faster each day. But there is something to remember, that's why God sent His Son Jesus Christ, so He could forgive those who accept Jesus into their life. 

God created mankind, yet it was mankind who failed God in his disobedience. God loved us so much that He knew the only way He could even look upon us was through a painful sacrifice, a sin offering...His Son. Horrendous and painful as it was, Jesus remained faithful to His purpose to die in our place so we could have that personal relationship with our creator. Jesus purest example of mercy was in the final hours of His life, beaten and heart broken, He said "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". 

As you march through this day, carry with you the same mercy Jesus had for you....forgive others who come against you. Nothing has to be said, just display peace and say a prayer for your offender. Your mercy will be seen by God and the offender. Hopefully they too will find the same mercy through Christ that you received on your day of acceptance. God bless. 

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