Tuesday, April 25, 2017

And when the people heard this bad news, they mourned, and no one put on his ornaments.
Exodus 33:4

It doesn't take but just a minute watching the news or reading the newspaper to realize our world is in a state of chaos, crime and evil. Bad news seems to drive the media to produce more and more negative information....even the Weather Channel gets in on the action with bad news regarding storms. Bad news also comes in the form of a conversation with friends or family members. One phone call can change your entire life. 

So how do we handle ourselves when we receive bad news? We get closer to God through prayer on our knees, remove anything that hinders our relationship with Him and focus on God's voice so we know the direction to take. That's exactly what the Israelites did when they received word that God was not happy with their behavior and threatened to wipe them out. "And it came to pass that everyone who sought the Lord went out to the tabernacle of meeting which was outside the camp." Exodus 33:7

Maybe you received some bad news. Possibly the result of wrongful actions on your part or just something out of the ordinary beyond your control. Always remember, no matter how little control you have, God has a plan for it and will use it to grow you in your faith. It might be painful and loss can be expected, but through loss comes grace and healing and something new. God loves you and wants to commune with you. Draw close to Him in your time of grief and dispair....He will bring comfort to your heart and life. Bad news? Don't fret, come close to God and walk with Him through the tough times....He will bring you through it. Trust Him today. God bless.

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