Sunday, April 16, 2017

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. John 8:12

Who left the light on? One of the most common things heard in a house with kids. Kids are in such a rush that they often forget to turn the light off....thus they stay burning til the parent comes by to turn them off. 

From the beginning of time til the presence of God's son, Jesus Christ, upon earth, this place was full of darkness....lead by the "prince of darkness"...Satan. Mankind needed a light turned on. Jesus was that light. His life was a brief but an excellent example of God's and forgiveness. Wherever Jesus went, darkness fled.

Satan knew God had turned on the light of the world and he was defeated. Today, we can live with the light on continuously. Because Jesus rose from the dead, each believer carries inside him the light of Christ through the Holy Spirit. Sure, the world around us is full of people living in darkness. But, as you go about your every day, you can turn the light on in other people's life. That's what we are called to do. 

When you talk to someone this week, ask them if their light is on inside their heart. They may look at you in a funny way, but share with them how the Light of Christ has changed your life for eternity. It's your job as a child of God to go and turn the lights on in every area of your have God's permission to do so....go light up the world for Jesus! 
Happy Easter friend and God bless! 

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