Monday, April 10, 2017

Then Jesus said to Him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe."
John 4:48

Signs, they are everywhere providing us information, warning us and most importantly where to go. Without signs to guide us, we'd turn down the wrong street and get lost. 

For the Christian, it's important to recognize the signs God places in our life. His signs don't come staked in the ground....they come in a variety of ways; through people's words of wisdom, the bible, thoughts that enter our mind, even unpleasant situations and moments of pain and heartbreak are God's way of guiding us away from danger and headed in the right direction. How do you see His signs? By having spiritual eyes. Praying daily and reading scripture creates an awareness of His presence and the signs He gives us. 

I can't tell you the number of times I have encountered God's direction in the middle of a crises or loss of a significant relationship. Many, many, many times God closes doors in our life to guide us in the best direction. Although we may not have wanted certain doors to close...He knows what's best for you and me. They key is to trust Him. 

What sign has God given you today? Stay prayed up and scripture fed so you can clearly see the signs and wonders he works out in your daily life. You'll be amazed at His wondrous works. Stay on the lookout today!
God bless friend.

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