Friday, April 28, 2017

A man will be commended according to his wisdom. But he who is of perverse heart will be despised.
Proverbs 12:8

The other day I turned on my stereo and waited for the music to play. After a minute of waiting and no sound, I looked and there was no CD in the player. I forgot that I had removed it the day before. Ha, things like this happen as you age....forgetfulness. 

The experience with the missing CD is a good illustration of our life as children of God. We are all meant to live this life, or play it out. What we put in our "player" or mind is what comes out through our words and actions. If you don't feed your mind with anything, you can expect to hear or see nothing resembling Christ in your life. 

So what am I saying? Read the word of God, attend church, pray and surround yourself with Godly people.    These things feed that player.  The result, a sweet sounding child of God, living out each day serving Him, helping others and bringing glory to our Savior. 

What's in your player? It's continually playing...but if you don't feed it with God's word, you can't expect any good sound to come out through your life. Feed it with God's word every day and listen for the music of Christ to ring out from your life. Make a sweet sound today! 
God bless.

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