Saturday, April 15, 2017

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

Super hero....we all have had one in life. Whose yours? I had a few growing up. As a child, we try to dress like them, act like them and somehow in our little minds think we can do things no other human has achieved. 

As children of God, our Super hero should be Jesus Christ. His spirit lives on the inside of every believer. Although we try our best to walk and talk like Jesus, our efforts are futile. That's why He gave us His Spirit to give us strength when we are weak, wisdom when we are confused and grace when all others fail us....we can still love and forgive our offenders. As humans we are limited by our flesh, but with His Spirit we can move mountains through our faith and trust in Him. 

Do a reality check. Who are you modeling your life by? Your neighbor, co-worker, an entertainer or athlete? None of these people can provide super human strength like the Spirit of Christ...and He resides inside your life. No need to do it on your own, ask Him to guide your every step, thought and word...miniute by minute, day by day.  You've got a super hero living inside you....lean on Him and you will beat out any human icon any day of the week. Have a blessed day.

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