Thursday, April 20, 2017

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26


As I drove to work this morning I had my windows down and could hear birds singing. The entire drive through town was like a chorus singing praise to God!


Like today’s passage says, birds do not sow or reap or store food for future consumption. If they are hungry right now, they go and find food. God has created an environment in which He feeds them every day, 365 days a year. If God can take care of little birds, don’t you think He can take care of your daily needs?


So often we are faced with challenges that seem to consume our thoughts and generate feelings of worry and fear. We think to ourselves, how are we going to tackle this issue, how am I going to pay this bill or will I ever heal from this sickness. Trust your cares to Him! He loves you. He created you in HIS image….He identifies with you. Give Him your concerns, express your needs and He will fill those voids in life and sustain you in the midst of chaos.


Find peace, fulfillment and healing by focusing your attention away from your troubles and look towards the Lord for all your needs! If He can keep the birds fed, He will keep you under His care….so you can sing praises ever day…just like the birds. Listen today for their songs and praise God with them! God bless!

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