Friday, April 21, 2017

So then, those are in the flesh cannot please God. But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.
Romans 8:8-9

When financing anything there are 2 obligations to the deal. 1) your signature, agreeing to the loan. 2) making monthly payments on the loan until the debt is paid in full. Some people today don't mind signing on the line and taking possession of the property. Unfortunately they had no intentions of making payments on the debt. Eventually a repo company will come and take it away. 

When you accept Christ into your life two things should happen. 1) belief in Christ sacrifice for your sins and acceptance of His presence in your  life. 2) a commitment to live for Him daily. Jesus Christ already paid your sin debt on the cross. When you accept Him into your life, you are using His blood as a signed agreement to this new relationship with Him. Your part is to live out your life for Him. Yes, the struggle to turn from sin will be great at times and yes, you will fail....and sometimes fail miserably. But, your life should always be moving upward in your faith. Each day, each year should show signs of progressing towards Christlikeness. If you aren't improving, you are "back sliding". 

Has your name been written in Christ blood for an eternal relationship with Him? If so, then live out your faith daily. Grow in your relationship and remove the worldly things from your life so you can be an image of Christ to those around you. Walk in faith, live in obedience....God will grow you and bless you each and every day. Life for Him today! God bless.  

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