Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. 1 John 2: 15 and 17

What is it that you love? A person, place or thing? Maybe it's all three. Everyone is different and has their own personal passions and pleasures. The question that needs to be asked, does it align with God's will for your life? When you are walking down the right path, those things you love simply work together to bring goodness and blessings into your life and at the same time honor God. If you are spiritually in tune with God, you will know what should be in your life and what needs to be removed. 

Those things the Spirit convicts you of can be the hardest to surrender. You've got your fingers wrapped around it so tight and so close to your heart, it is almost like a shield, blocking God out from your life. That is dangerous territory friend and you need to let go of it before you turn God away and He allows you to pursue your personal interest without His apporval. You will find your temporary pleasure will bankrupt you spiritually, emotionally and even physically. 

Want to invest your hearts desire in things and people that will last forever? Seek God's wisdom and guidance when evaluating your pleasures, passions and who you give your heart to....God will never leave or forsake you and will always bless your interst if they align with His will. Evaluate your passions against His wisdom today and thank Him for what He allows and what He sees necessary to remove....your life will be more fulfilling.  
Have a blessed day! 

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