Thursday, March 29, 2018

And the King will answer and say to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” Matthew 25:40

The other day I was eating at one of my favorite places for bbq. I noticed a man sitting by himself with nothing to eat or drink. He was a skinny, frail man with tattoos everywhere you could see skin. It wasn’t hard to tell, this man had been through a lot. As I ordered my food, I felt the need to help him, so I offered to buy him dinner. He gladly accepted. I attempted to talk with him, yet he was very quiet and reserved, but did mention he had recently been incarcerated. All I could do was pray for this guy and trust that God will give him hope for tomorrow.

Friend, do you see the needs of others? I’m sure you do. You can’t go anywhere these days and not find someone holding up a sign, asking for help. There is so much need everywhere, it can be overwhelming if you try to help everyone you see. But, if God gives you the sight to see someone in particular and lays their burden upon your heart, respond in love to that person. God will equip you with the resources to help meet their need. It may be something as simple as helping them load groceries in their car, buy them a cup of coffee or a meal and pray with them and provide a few words of encouragement. You can’t save the world, but when God asks for you help, respond and trust that He will equip you to meet their need.

When you help others, you will be blessed. Pray and ask God to open your eyes to the needs of others and have the heart to respond when God calls you to action. You represent the love of Christ through your good deeds, give someone a good snapshot of God today by helping others. God bless!

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