Saturday, March 10, 2018

Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19

The other day, I watched one of our park rangers till up some ground to plant wildflowers. That hard Georgia clay took two rounds of tilling before it was loose enough to receive those tiny delicate seeds. Once firmly set in the ground, they will produce beautiful flowers throughout the summer season. I can’t wait to see what this year’s flower fields will produce.

Our walk with the Lord is often like that field of flowers. After a period of time, the old flowers die off, the ground becomes hard and it needs some tilling. God often tills our life by allowing difficulties to churn our heart and break up the hardness of our soul, so we will be ready to receive His will for our life. Although we may question God why we have to suffer through the problems and challenges of life, He assures us that He will NEVER leave nor forsake you. It takes a lot of cutting and grinding of your former life to produce that newness of life, guaranteed to bring forth a beautiful field of flowers and blessings.

Just being transparent, I know God is tilling up my life at this very moment. I’ve been undergoing a lot of challenges and faith testing lately. God’s voice tells me to be patient and not worry, as He works to remove those toxic weeds and opens my heart to new things. I eagerly await this new crop of blessings in my life.

Is God doing something similar in your life today? The pressures and challenges of life have you stressed and worried? Friend, be assured God is not doing anything painful without a purpose. He is working your heart’s ground so it will be ready to produce something greater than you could ever imagine! TRUST HIM and be PATIENT with this work in your life. Good things will spring forth from the clay! God bless!

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