Tuesday, March 20, 2018

I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live. Psalm 116:1-2

In my life I have encountered disappointments, failures, heartbreak, personal attacks and challenges greater than I can even begin to describe. Although they have set me back a few steps, I’ve never quit because of the God I serve. He has my back 24/7. He stands by me when everyone else has left. He has held out His hand to pull me up from my troubles. God has never let me down.

Maybe life has thrown a few curve balls your way and things don’t look too good from where you stand at this moment in time. Call upon the Lord for strength to keep going, courage in times of fear and healing when the personal attacks from others have penetrated you to the core. When you acknowledge God in your times of crises, He responds in the right way. He sees beyond that mountaintop that is shadowing you. You might not see anything physically change, but I assure you, He is there, by your side, to protect and comfort you, as you take the next step forward.

The daily grind of life can overwhelm you, but with God ALL things are possible. Call upon Him today, every day, in good times and bad. He longs to hear your voice calling out to Him. Let Him know you are thankful for His presence in your life. He is one prayer a way from help and thanksgiving. God bless!  

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