Thursday, March 15, 2018

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

In the mid to late 1800s people would travel across the country selling magic potions, guaranteed to relieve you of your ailments or troubles. Some were good and some bad. It was all in the presentation of the product that made people buy into their special potion. Even today, there are similar products out there for people to buy in hopes of finding relief for their troubles.

Today, people can find a whole host of ailment relieving remedies found in alcohol, drugs, and other potions that seem to take the edge off your troubles. But at the end of the day, they wear off leaving you right back where your troubles started. Sadly, some get so hooked on these temporary fixes, they can’t stop, always looking for that next high, that next “out of this world drink”. Addictive behaviors are a person’s worst enemy.

Friend, I can tell you the best place to find relief from your troubles is to call upon the Lord God to find rest for your weary, storm tattered spirit. When you put your troubles in the hands of God, He takes the weight off your life and carries them so you can sustain the days of trouble more easily. The truth is, we will never be void of trouble in life. It comes like each passing weather system and never stops. But, the relief God can provide you, last much longer than anything found in a bottle or pill.

What’s ailing you today? Find help not in a bottle, but the bible. Read God’s word for encouragement and wisdom. Pray continually that God will lift your burdens and help see you through another day. I promise you He is faithful and won’t leave you. Find comfort in today’s trouble by turning to God! You’ll be blessed each day! God bless friends!

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