Saturday, March 24, 2018

The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. Isaiah 32:17

Just being transparent, the past few weeks have been challenging to say the least. A lot of things going on at work and in my personal life; trying to find some peace and understanding has been very difficult. As I soul searched for resolution, I found parts of my life were a little out of synch with God. Just a few days ago I made some changes and within less than a day, started to see the hand of God working again, which brought some ease to my burdens. Things just seemed to flow and “fit” as they should.

This brief experience was a simple reminder, God blesses obedience. At times we get overwhelmed with responsibilities and fulfilling personal needs, and through these things we veer off course just enough to fall off the path God intended for us to follow. Distractions are Satan’s number 1 tool he uses to thwart the plans of Christians. A smoke screen if you will, causes us to lose sight of what’s truly important and we find ourselves pursing things outside God’s will. Can you relate?

If you could rate the “peace” in your life right now, how much of it do you possess? If little, maybe its time to do a spiritual check up of your behavior, thoughts and focus. Are you following after Jesus Christ or has He taken a backseat for the moment? Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6. The only way to move forward in life, spiritually, is to have Jesus in front of you, not in the back seat. He has the power to turn chaos into calm. Its His specialty. Find peace and order today when you surrender everything to His will. God bless!

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