Friday, March 16, 2018

But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand. Isaiah 64:8

If you’ve ever been involved in making things as a hobby, you take ownership of what you produce. It’s a product using your skills and talents. The end result of your hard work and dedication to getting it right, is something beneficial, something to admire and most likely will bless someone.

Your life is a creation of God. He has a plan and purpose for each person He brings into this world. Its up to you to make yourself available for His loving hands to mold you into something useful, admirable and be a blessing to others. God uses various things, circumstances and people in your life to shape and mold your character. Oftentimes our strongest character traits have been the result of His hand pressing hard into your life through difficulties and life lessons. Without His hand of pressure, you’d simply be a lump of clay on the potter’s wheel with no shape.

If you often ask God why He continues to allow difficulties and challenges in your life, you need to remember His hand is always on your life. During those tough times is when He is doing a special work to shape you. You will never stay the same as long as you allow God to work in your life. All the while He is working to make you into something beautiful and to be a blessing to others. When the pressure is on, just know God is doing His best work in your life and the end result will be something amazing! Have a blessed day!

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