Saturday, March 3, 2018

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

James 4:7

The other day I was ready to check out at Walmart. I had a buggy full of groceries and walked up to the check out lanes. All the regular check out lanes were full of people, but the “20 items or less” had no one. So I slipped into that lane and was there for a few minutes checking out. Well, as soon as I do, one man with 2 items (and was in a hurry) came up behind me. He patiently waited, but was fuming because I was taking up the short lane with my full buggy. EEEK! Feeling guilty, I turned to him and apologized for using the wrong lane.

As Christians, we have no choice but to follow ONE way, obedience to Christ. As we push our buggy of pride and self will through the day, we might be tempted to take the easy route, Satan’s lane of temptations and short-term pleasures. They look good, especially when we are hungry and in a hurry for quick satisfaction. But, as soon as we get in the fast lane, God is frowning down upon you, not happy, and on the other side of pleasure comes guilt and regret.

God’s lane may be backed up and you may have to be patient; trust me friend, it’s worth the wait. His lane is full of blessings and fulfilling. On the other side is no regret. When you walk past Satan’s lane of lies, you let him know you don’t need him and you chose to take the narrow way, the only way and that is the way of Christ.

It takes a CONSTANT amount of focus and attention to walk by Satan, but it can be done with God’s help through His Spirit living inside you. Keep walking past the fast lanes of temptation and head for the line of God’s goodness. You’ll never regret God’s way. Have a blessed day friend!

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