Thursday, March 8, 2018

Saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luke 22:42

As Jesus faced His crucifixion, He asked God to spare Him of the horrific pain and suffering He would undergo, yet in the same moment recognized His reason for being there, to take on mankind’s sins, to be a sin offering. He knew the journey to the cross would be painful, yet through God’s strength He could do it.

We all, at some point in time, have had a “cup” we’d gladly ask God to pass by us. Yet, God knows what’s best for our life and His purpose through us. Those difficult moments that test our faith to the very core, are the ones that reveal how real God is and the great things He can do in our difficulty. I’ve always said, the troubling times in our life are like rings of a ladder, they give us something to step up from, to move to a higher level after we’ve been through it.

What difficulty or challenge are you facing today? You’ve prayed, asking God to take it from you, yet it’s still there, staring you in the face. Friend, I can assure you God has a plan and purpose for this cup. Although you don’t want to accept it, you must have faith, knowing God will see you through it. It’s a test of faith, how strong is your faith and trust in the Lord? Don’t waiver in your faith; just know God has this and will see you through for His purpose and plan. It may be difficult, painful and disrupt things in your life, but it has purpose. On the other side of this difficulty, will be strength, healing and a new life chapter. Go with God every day, trusting Him for the things that come your way! God bless!  

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