Monday, March 19, 2018

Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life.
Romans 5:18

Sin. Its been around since the beginning of man. From Adam eating the forbidden fruit, to the last sin you committed, it’s almost unavoidable. Sin separates us from God. He is so pure and righteous, He can’t even look upon sin. Yet, from the ashes of mankind’s folly, God made a way for you and me to find forgiveness through His abundant grace and love. Jesus Christ is the “Man” who provides the “justification of life” so you and I can walk in confidence that we are saved, no matter how badly we mess up.

As a believer in Jesus Christ and a child of God,  you are saved. Knowing this very fact should lighten your spirit so you can walk above your circumstances. Unfortunately, we have an enemy, Satan, who tries his best to speak lies of guilt into your ears, telling you that you don’t deserve God’s grace. How could God love someone who did…..whatever your sins. I can tell you for a fact, God does love you and He graciously forgives His children, just like a parent who forgives their child. It’s a God thing and we should never take his grace and forgiveness for granted.

If sin and shame seem to loom over you, come to God in prayer, asking for His forgiveness and help you overcome those frequent sins that seem to be an anchor to your soul. Ask God to help remove that guilt that is self-generated. It is good to acknowledge your sins, but not good to carry the heavy burden of guilt with you all the time. Find confidence in your faith in the Lord. Life is too short to always carry the weight of our past. Go to God today for grace, mercy and unlimited forgiveness! God bless!

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