Friday, March 23, 2018

For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

There is nothing more wonderful than knowing someone is thinking about you and praying on your behalf. Over the years I’ve had people send me cards, text messages or in person tell me they thought about me and prayed for God’s blessing, wisdom and direction. Its an awesome feeling and certainly lifts my spirit.

Is someone thinking about you and praying on your behalf? You might be going through a difficult time in life, feeling all alone, even isolated from others. Social media is great to connect to others, with hundreds of people out there, yet you can still feel so alone. Depression can set in as you feel like no one cares or loves you. I know that feeling well, been there and its not a good place to be.

Friend, I can assure you that God is thinking about you. He created you, He allowed your existence. Not to be isolated and all alone, but to feel His presence in your life. I believe God puts us in momentary states of being alone, so we can put our total focus on Him. Oftentimes we get so busy developing and growing relationships, that we overlook God. That saddens His heart. God blesses those who acknowledge Him daily and make Him the cornerstone of their life.

Someone is thinking about you, loves you and wants the very best for your life. God will bless you with friendships and a relationship that is right for you when you keep your focus on Him. Through your relationship with God, you have available the best wisdom to make sound decisions and the power to make the impossible possible. Find blessings through your relationship with God first, then everything else will fall into place. God bless!

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