Thursday, March 1, 2018

In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, for You will answer me.

Psalm 86:7

As I look throughout the bible, there are stories of people in desperate situations and called upon God for help. I think about David being thrown into the Lion’s Den and remained protected. I think about 3 young men who refused to bow down before a king because the God they served was their only focus, thrown into a hot furnace, God protected them. I think about Saul, who had a hatred for Christians and killed them, yet God healed Him of his hatred, and with one life changing moment became Paul, a great leader for the cause of Christ.

Today you might be enduring an ongoing sickness, a battle with an addiction that you can’t seem to break the chains that bind you, facing an overwhelming situation that can affect the rest of your life, or simply are feeling the continued attacks of Satan and want a reprieve. Friend, no matter what your situation or circumstance, CALL UPON THE LORD! He is more willing and very capable of helping you break those chains, heal your illness, protect you from enemy attack and give you the strength to carry on one more day.

So often we get wrapped around our situation and don’t think to ask for God’s help. Satan does a good job of keeping you in the dark with self-pity, depression and feeling defeated. The truth of the matter is, Satan has already been defeated and tries to mess with God’s children. Bind Satan in the name of Jesus Christ, call upon God to help you and win your battle today. All it takes is prayer and faith. Call upon Him today and find your life’s battles become victories through the powerful name of Jesus Christ! God bless!

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