Friday, March 30, 2018

These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11

There is nothing I enjoy more than coffee, especially when its freshly brewed. That sweet aroma that fills the house, wets my appetite every time. Once poured, I consume it like someone who walked thru the desert for days without water. Once gone, back to the coffee pot I go for a refill of its goodness!

Jesus spoke it so well in today’s scripture. HIS joy is what fills our life with goodness. HIS joy is like that coffee aroma, it fills every aspect of our life; in our work place, relationships, families. Even when tragedy strikes, joy can be found in the child of God who fills their heart with the Joy of Christ. As found in Nehemiah 8:10 …”the joy of the Lord is my strength.”

How much joy is in your life? If its low, maybe you’ve been trying to fill it with other things….relationships, drugs, alcohol, risky behaviors…there’s plenty of temporary pleasures out there that are unhealthy for human consumption. Fill your life with the Joy of the Lord! It never runs out and is always beneficial for you, to sustain you in everything you face in life. Reading God’s word, praying and surrendering those unhealthy things so you can fill your cup with the pure joy of Jesus Christ is the only way to have everlasting joy and happiness. Start filling your life with the Joy of the Lord today! God bless!

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