Sunday, March 11, 2018

Set your mind on things above, not on things of this earth.

Colossians 3:2

Have you ever found yourself escaping the realities of life, in your mind, going to a place of peace and happiness? When the pressures and disappointments of life weigh you down, that’s one temporary moment of escape. A renewal of the spirit, of sorts. In those peaceful moments, you push away from everything and discover what is really important in your life.

As Christians, we have this gift, a higher calling you could say, where you can look to God for that peaceful calm only He can bring. I’ve found when life seems like a living hell, God extinguishes the fire a bit and sustains me in my brief moments of difficulty. Let’s face it, if you are a child of God, you have Satan as your enemy. He uses people and circumstances to try to weaken you mentally, physically and emotionally. His number 1 goal is to cause chaos in your life and rob you of your joy.  Why? Because the “joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Maybe you have succumb to Satan’s attacks. Anything but joy can be found in your life. Look up to God for answers, wisdom, healing and strength to sustain. God is at a higher level than your mountains of difficulty, and He sees what’s ahead, and can guide you down the right path. Looking towards God is always the best way to navigate life in good and bad times. He wants to guide you down the better path, follow Him today and find peace and joy in your daily life! God bless!

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