Friday, March 9, 2018

By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:9-10

Do you feel loved? It’s the strangest thing, this feeling and emotion called love. You could be in a crowded room, yet feel alone and unloved. You might live in a house full of kids and a spouse, yet not feel loved. You could be part of a big family, and love is the last thing you’d experience. Or maybe you are on the receiving end of someone’s goodness, yet not feel their love.

In my opinion, love is like fuel for a car. Love can carry you places and experience feelings like you’ve never experienced before. Its like glue that holds things together. It’s the solid foundation on which you stand in your relationships with others. It’s the reason people take a back seat for someone in need. Love is powerful and God is the author of love. He is love and those who have a personal relationship with Him know they are loved eternally, without exception to their status, behavior or place in life. God loves those who follow Him!

Maybe today you are one of those who hasn’t experienced the power of love in a while. Your marriage has gone sour and you feel unloved, your kids are grown and seem distant from you; those who help you seem to do it out of obligation, more than love from their hearts. Friend, regardless of your love shortage found in people, God loves you unconditionally. As a child of God, He planted His sweet Holy Spirit inside you to sustain you when all hope seems lost, when you feel like a lonely sailor in the middle of the ocean. God is there in your place of loneliness and difficult circumstances. He LOVES YOU! Dig down in your heart and spirit to find His love and cultivate it through prayer. He will show you His love in many ways through blessings and His presence. Seek Him for love, its right inside your heart. God bless!

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